Reviews for Coming Back Late
Guest chapter 3 . 7/25
Hermione Weasley, crap and more crap
Sw-0608 chapter 43 . 7/27
Werewolves can't have children?! Where did Ted Lupin come from? His FATHER, Remus Lupin, was a werewolf! Plus, I would say the way Werewolves have children is by infecting others and making them werewolves as well, so thus, they procreate. Remus was able to have a child with Nymphadora Tonks, meaning he was quite capable of having children. I'm sorry, but although I really really enjoy this story, Remus Lupin has always been and will always be my favorite character and I had to set the record straight. Werewolves CAN have children, even if they don't pass on the "werewolf" characteristics to their offspring.
Thank you, and great work on this fanfic by the way. You're a great writer and I like your explanations a whole lot more than Rowling's. I agree that the last two books felt off-kilter to me and could have used some clearer explanations, for which you are providing more sensible solutions.
stevem1 chapter 45 . 6/23
This is an excellent story, with a lot going on beneath the surface.

cshen.julienne chapter 45 . 6/7
I love it! I love how the game is always changing :)
cshen.julienne chapter 44 . 6/7
I have to say that the plot is bloody brilliant! :)
Flying Flitwicks chapter 34 . 5/23
HA. Will he? Of course, he will! Hahaha
Flying Flitwicks chapter 29 . 5/23
FINALLY. Some good news for them :(((( Lol waited 29 chapters for a proper snog. So worth it.
Flying Flitwicks chapter 28 . 5/23
Please tell me their marriage was dissolved since she technically died...
Flying Flitwicks chapter 27 . 5/23
I loved this scene. Truly.
Flying Flitwicks chapter 26 . 5/23
OH MY GOODNESS. This chapter is sinfully good. Merlin. How come I've never read this?!
Flying Flitwicks chapter 25 . 5/23
Oh Christ, just kill him. Kidding. Partially... I'm making dumb comments because this is frustratingly good.
Flying Flitwicks chapter 23 . 5/23
Flying Flitwicks chapter 22 . 5/23
Oh no, Ginny. You don't know what you're doing.
Flying Flitwicks chapter 21 . 5/22
One of my favourite chapters. :) You write them so well.
Flying Flitwicks chapter 20 . 5/22
Oh no, what's up with Ginny?
Was that Creevey?
I'm asking myself these questions seeing that this was written years ago haha!
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