Reviews for This Moment is Always the Same
Ashabagawa chapter 1 . 6/9/2011
Yes, I'm fanfiction-stalking you. It's because you're brilliant. This was sad, but lovely at the same time. Eames is spot-on, I reckon. You write incredibly well - Ellen
Frust-sheep chapter 1 . 5/17/2011
How sad *sniffle sniffle*, but really wonderful written again!
cssypet chapter 1 . 4/24/2011
Awww. You've made me cry. :)
uno mega chapter 1 . 3/30/2011
Hi! I've read this a bunch of times because it breaks my heart (so good) and I cannot get over one sentence: "you don't know what it's like to miss her like he does." I may not have quoted that accurately buy—ugh, it makes me tear up a little :') thanks for sharing!
BregoBeauty chapter 1 . 3/18/2011
I loved it! Poor Arthur-at least he has her in his dreams. :)
amaya moore chapter 1 . 12/10/2010
omg I want to hug him so bad right now!
Icicle Streams chapter 1 . 12/5/2010
Aw, this was sweet. I thought it was really interesting having the countdown of ages; it added some suspense, given that we already know Ariadne is dead (although, I think it's a good think we already know, otherwise I would've just been confused)

The repetition of lines was good, since it emphasised how Arthur continually relives it. Cobb seemed a little OOC, but I can't really picture in my mind how he'd react to Eames brash waking up. But yeah, it was a sweet story, and a well-written oneshot :)
Voldemort's Spawn chapter 1 . 11/20/2010
aw this is soooo sad but it was soooo romantic. Love.
ThePointMan chapter 1 . 11/14/2010
Very good. I love that other than from the prompt we don't know ariadne is dead until it's almost finished. Well done.
Shingie chapter 1 . 11/14/2010
The second paragraph is my favorite The words really flow so well together and the image created from those words in my head is chilling yet vivid.

I would have to most commend you for your ability to write in present tense and not screw that up. It seemed so natural and un-awkward. Like, when I'm reading a story in present tense the fact that it's always in present tense is all in-my-face and it distracts me from enjoying the story. This just flowed so naturally :)

I thought that the fact that readers knew that Ariadne was already dead instead of making it a twist brought out the tragic side to the story and made it more of an effective read. Well done.

"...even though he ends up repeating his words over and over."

The repetition of sentences is fantastic (like the rain sentence). I thought that was particularly effective, to create an "echo" which would demonstrate that Arthur has envisioned/revisited these fantasies, if you will, several times.

I know what you were trying to accomplish with the "almost like a ghost" simile, but in my opinion it was a little cliche and I think a more subtle description would have been more effective.

Other than that, it was really sad. *bawls* Thanks for not overkilling on the angst and soppyness.