Reviews for How i hate to love you
Guest chapter 1 . 11/14/2015
More yaoi!
puffin chapter 1 . 4/12/2014
Another good story. Loving these that I read.
Kimnd Round 2 chapter 1 . 10/29/2013
I kinda got obsessed with this story a while ago. I'm more interested in the tulpa aspect of fuck-it-just-call-him-Daniel (Dark just really doesn't sit with me *shrug*) than anything else, and the fact that he physically manifests and is real, rather than just being a hallucination that Ash has. I mean, can Daniel touch other living things? Or can he pass through solid objects? I've got this whole theory about Daniel basically having to relearn how to possess centered around finesse, skill, and manipulation rather than just squishing whatever the original presence down with pure power.
I mean, the amount of cloudy soul-smoke in the episode was a fucking ton! And it shows that Ash himself is pretty pro when it comes to mind stuff if he puts his mind to it- he overcame all that without having any prior tulpamancing training. Kid's got skill. Which you actually showed in this story! I still think Ash would go down fighting all the way (saying Ash is insecure is like saying Brock hates Nurse Joy ('course, your millage may vary)), but he hasn't been broken by anything Daniel's done to him. Which is pretty damn impressive, considering how I react to just being TICKLED. But he's still subjective to manipulation- Daniel would have to out-mind-chess Ash, which would probably be easy.
I say probably because there's also the possibility that Ash either figured out what Daniel was doing OR if Daniel's-soul? The smokey stuff- was forced to assimilate with Ash's soul to survive. That'd kind of fuck up his motivation. I mean, he could technically "corrupt" Ash as well, but there's so little of him left that there's no way to simply easily corrupt Ash completely.
And how would Daniel even know any swear words? Wouldn't he only have been around people when around Ash? That'd be the only way to learn modern vernacular.
I don't always overthink pieces of fanfiction that I've forgotten about for a year... but when I do, it's when I need to write an essay.
Guest chapter 1 . 9/22/2012
Thank you god! And writer as well for being born. ;3
Kimnd chapter 1 . 10/9/2011
DARK used BITCHSLAP! It was super effective!

Phew. Now that that's out of the way... Awesome story! This is REALLY similar to another Maloventshipping story that I have read, but I'm not sure what it was called. Also it's better.

I do KIND of agree with Dark. I mean seriously, Ash would've learned frigging MAGIC but nooooo.

I am always kind of surprised to see Ash so submissive- after all, he's always yelling at people, and he's a pretty lively dude. But, on the other hand, Dark seems preeeeety messed up, and would most likely crush his spirit after about a year, so... Just one more thing before I go: how is Pikachu fit into all of this? Did Ash somehow get Pikachu to stop sleeping with him? Okay, HOMEWORK TIME IS GO! Thanks for this story, it's really great and could defiantly be expanded on!
Anonymous chapter 1 . 9/10/2011
This story was very interesting i could not stop reading! Please make some more chapters please.
Epsilon Crisis chapter 1 . 9/5/2011
Hee, I love this. I feel very good right now. A great way to end the day. Awesome!

Mantinas chapter 1 . 11/17/2010
This was awesome! So malevolent XD
pokemaster101 chapter 1 . 11/15/2010
it was awesome! 8D

yay! another malevolentshippinng story! 8D