Reviews for Audacity
Colonel-Mustard1990 chapter 4 . 10/25/2012
Just thought I'd post a review for this, because it seems to have not got anywhere near as many as it deserves, and it's really good. This is damn near perfect and I daresay good enough to have been published, and I kind of wish I had something a bit more constructive to add, but I don't.

Still, I'll definitely be following this, and this is fantastic work.
YaBoiPutin chapter 3 . 6/12/2012
impressive I would like to see this go on.
ShadowedSerenity chapter 3 . 5/17/2012
Still love this story, its brilliantly well written. Love it :D Keep it up!
Tom Phan chapter 3 . 2/20/2012
Nice little contained story here. got a little confused with Zachary's story there; but that was me, not you, so no worry in style. Here's hoping for a wrap up chapter, though I definitely can understand why these would take a while to formulate.
jarhead762 chapter 2 . 11/27/2011
Gotta love Emile
jarhead762 chapter 1 . 11/27/2011
Well...that was actually really good! Just, I hope you don't make the Marines suck. Ya feel me?

I'm looking forward to more of this fic.
the good dr chapter 2 . 4/11/2011

signed the good dr.
ShadowedSerenity chapter 1 . 1/23/2011
This is an amazing piece of work. Are you planing on writing more? Because I sure hope so! It was fantastic and I really want to know where you would take this :).
writer chapter 1 . 11/19/2010
Very well thought-out and meticulous. You've certainly done your homework with some of the character backgrounds as well. I see a bright future ahead, not only for this story but also for your skill as a writer. Keep it up! Thanks for posting!