Reviews for What's in a Name?
ineedmesometea chapter 1 . 11/24/2010
Amazing. You are an amazing author! :D

Really good story. Well done
zero.xo chapter 1 . 11/18/2010
Hey! I really liked this! It was...poignant, if that word isn't too pretentious? xD Also, I thought there were nice little details, like the way Hikaru would tense whenever someone guessed wrong etc. And Kaoru! I always think he's a complicated character to write, but you did it well. Overall, I just thought this was really good. (And it totally made me wish I hadn't lost my copy of romeo & juliet!)
F0RBLU3SK13S chapter 1 . 11/17/2010
When i saw this title i was like "O my gosh! Romeo and Juliet!" and i got so many weird looks from my brother... I remember that part of Juliet's long... long...long speech that i had to learn AND preform it while being video taped (and i hated every bit of the speech...) well i learned about three fourths of it... i got to the little bit after "what's in a name that which we call a rose it is nor hand nor foot nor (something) nor any other part belonging to a man... (Blah blah blah)" and then i had to use a poster with the script on it XD

A name is merely a bunch of letters put together that seem to make a person feel good about themselves. What counts is the personality! Yes?

Well i asolutely loved this because it was very cute but oh so very true.

(I'm rambling)

I must stop now or I'll just keep rambling haha so...

Awesome! _

~MeLoDy SyPeR cArStOn~
treeflamingo chapter 1 . 11/17/2010
I love Kaoru angst because it is always the most believable angst. He's such a lovely, complicated, over-thinky character, isn't he? This is quite lovely, and your reading of Kaoru is deliciously tragic. "He /knew/ that they were identical. That was the point." I love it.

A minor grammatical note: "...had thought about that quote as long as him." That "him" should be "he." You can tell which pronoun to use in those circumstances by tacking on the (omitted) verb and seeing which option sounds funny.
Lady Maeror chapter 1 . 11/16/2010
I love Karu-centrics, thanks so much for writing it :)

- Mae.