Reviews for A Bath
IngloriousShosanna chapter 1 . 11/22/2010
Right! Late review :P

Love it! Once again, it's so very romantic and hot- and once again i'm jealous :P

I love the sheer innocence of their children! Katarina is so adorable when she asks if people are scared of Stayne, and her sheer surprise is so sweet!

Now onto the smut! lol, your best yet! very hot, graphic and the right kind of dominance.. ok that sounds weird but I can't think of any other way to put it!

A wee funny thing though, I love the descriptions of Alannah taste/smell, esp. how Stayne describes how hot she gets, it makes me think; "So... Alannah is a hot apple pie?"

If we ask Stayne, he's probably agree :D

So! in conclusion- love the story and the sheer romance between these two :)

I throw roses of various colours to you, dear rang!

Congrats! much love! xx