Reviews for Afterlife my story of what might happen
Guest chapter 9 . 2/4/2014
Yes. This alternate ending is the one and only I will read. It sure would've been awesome if they had lived forever, but that might just have ended up being a total Twilight ending. This ending is perfect and genuine. Thanks.
fieryjunior35 chapter 9 . 9/9/2013
I'm too lazy to login but I still want to leave a review.

Love love love what you did there! That ending was awesome.

About your question on what happened to the gang, you could find out about Balthazar in "Balthazar" by Claudia Gray. It's on my wishlist though, so I haven't read it yet.
Guest chapter 1 . 1/5/2013
Very good so far x Emily
Sam chapter 7 . 1/11/2012
I Loved It All Plz Continue Though I thought About Something Lucas Drank The Till They Were Dead.

Which could probly be an epic twist

loved it all If u Havent read it READ IT !

I Hate Charity chapter 9 . 1/2/2012
If you do finsh ur version add revenge on charity

what might happen if we experament bullets to the brain what would happen then?

finsh ur Version now!
love it 55 chapter 8 . 1/2/2012
Finish it i demand you finsh this awesome version
Sam the 10yr Old book kid chapter 9 . 12/27/2011
Wow I really Would love this ending still I remain in suspense waiting for the next book (or movie oh yeah)probly not gonna happen but who knows?

5/5 Overall it all this is great ending

Plz finsh the other version of afterlife
LittleMissJaffacake chapter 9 . 7/29/2011
i prefer this ending it's so much happier
Team Edward Rules All chapter 9 . 7/21/2011
Your version was way better than the original version! Well done! It was really well written and entertaining!
brinleytoast98 chapter 8 . 5/13/2011
Please continue! This is one of the best fanfictions I've read!
Sweetdust chapter 5 . 4/30/2011
Wow, Balty's drivin' the car to Evernight?

Oh yeah, I guess he's really skilled in driving. *I remember the driving lessons with Mr. Yee.

I hope you could name the headmistress as Mrs. Bethany, not Miss Bethany.. although it's almost the same. :)

Nice chapter. I'm going to read on to the next! Thanks for making this.
Sweetdust chapter 4 . 4/30/2011
Hello! It's me again, sweetdust.

So Balthazar is here now. I see. I like your idea, the one that if someone kisses Binks, they'll hurt. Nice idea, really. :)

But it confuses me. Bianca is angry with Balthazar, right? In this chapter, she's turning into hate-normal-hate-normal-hate to Balthazar. I mean, she's angry because Balthazar led Lucas into a trap death, but she let him kiss her? And then she became angry/frustrated again about Charity. Then again she had a normal mood talking. Then back to being angry because Balty mentioned Lucas again. Well... it's your prerogative. But I was a bit confused about her mood in that scene.

Balthazar going to kill Charity? THAT'S THE BEST THING EVER LOL. Keep on doing good fanfics!

- Sweetdust
Sweetdust chapter 4 . 4/30/2011
Hello! It's me again, sweetdust.

So Balthazar is here now. I see. I like your idea, the one that if someone kisses Binks, they'll hurt. Nice idea, really. :)

But it confuses me. Bianca is angry with Balthazar, right? In this chapter, she's turning into hate-normal-hate-normal-hate to Balthazar. I mean, she's angry because Balthazar led Lucas into a trap death, but she let him kiss her? And then she became angry/frustrated again about Charity. Then again she had a normal mood talking. Then back to being angry because Balty mentioned Lucas again. Well... it's your prerogative. But I was a bit confused about her mood in that scene.

Balthazar going to kill Charity? THAT'S THE BEST THING EVER LOL. Keep on doing good fanfics!

- Sweetdust
Sweetdust chapter 3 . 4/30/2011
I've read chapters one and two. The story is flowing well... and I can imagine the characters in the wine cellar. Lucas drinking blood for the first time...his refusal to be watched except for Ranulf...And Vic's character never changed. He's still cool!

[ Tips of Improvement ]

Please make a new paragraph if there is a dialogue or something. Author's usually do it that way.

Spelling checks. But I can manage in reading.

[ Praise ]

YOU DID A GREAT JOB ON INTRODUCING YOUR OWN VERSION OF AFTERLIFE! I mean... I know Lucas would transform and all... but the flow of the story is just great. But I think you've left out Balthazar? Where is he?

Anyway, keep up the good work! I'll start reading the next chapter now!

- Sweetdust
Kris.Tinieee chapter 8 . 3/23/2011
keep writng please. this is really awsome and i believe you should continue.

please and thanks
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