Reviews for Great Outdoors 2
Guest chapter 2 . 8/14/2019
Please continue, perhaps with mgreg. Would love to see either Nick or Greg able to become pregnant. I want them to have a big family.
IIIIBLANKIIII chapter 2 . 12/15/2011
OMG, amazing
Sarcasm and Cheese chapter 2 . 3/26/2011
Nice! Great job I really liked it,
hotflower901 chapter 2 . 11/25/2010
I love when the boys are wicked.
hotflower901 chapter 1 . 11/25/2010
I officated at a friend's commitment ceremony. I used an old viking handfasting ceremony it was a lot of fun. This would have been beautiful
burrollie chapter 2 . 11/22/2010
Wow!! That was an unexpected surprise. I don't know what I expected, but that wasn't it. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely loved it.

The first chapter was like G, maybe PG and then...BAM! Cock rings! Mighty appropriate though, it was their honeymoon after all. Yay Warrick for the lovey gifts *blushes*

I would love to see a another chapter. Anything with Greg in handcuffs sounds delicious! But, you know you'll have to top the cock ring session. (Ohhh, sounds like a challange :)

Please keep writing, I look forward to seeing new story alerts from you!

burrollie chapter 1 . 11/22/2010
Sorry I'm so late in reading this. I was so happy to see a sequel. This is a great follow-up story. I love reading N/G wedding fics!

Now on to Chapter 2...see you there :)
Alisa123 chapter 2 . 11/21/2010
SUPER...LOVED the wedding...i had wondered, how grissom knew what to say...thanks for explaing that.

there still MORE to be told about their life,, this really does NEED a 3rd part/story.

MrsBee1973 chapter 2 . 11/21/2010
Wow. I'm speechless... And horny. Hahahaaa! I'd like to see a little fluff or what happens when they have to head back. It was brilliant babe!
janet1982 chapter 2 . 11/21/2010

love it
janet1982 chapter 1 . 11/21/2010
yay, a sequel)

nice and sweet, gotta love that horse, every time, i think back to the horse i used to ride, i think i should track the mare down, to find out if she still alive, she was 23 year when the last time i saw her, and it has been 6-7 years now, but i have the memories and pictures of her.
DeliciousSin chapter 2 . 11/20/2010
Now that was delicious! The cabin was a great idea, and it was cool that the team came up together to pick up Warrick...since they all chipped in for the gift it was nice even if was only for a moment to have them all there to present the gift to the happy couple! Great job!
DeliciousSin chapter 1 . 11/20/2010
Awwww...that was pure sugar! I loved them arriving on their horses! It was a very beautiful ceremony and Warrick's toast was perfect! Great job!