Reviews for Flight Risk
vox nihilio chapter 1 . 8/26/2017
Despite the new info on Desmond's past, I really like this interpretation. William seems colder in canon, but the idea of everyone liking him but his own son works too.

Holy cow, this was an amazing character study on Desmond. He's a little difficult to pin down, but thinking of him as a "go with the flow, bide my time, and then I'll attack" kind of guy fits very well! As well as a guy with ingrained coping mechanisms (which aren't very healthy, but it's how he survives)

The reveal of William's real name and being even more of an asshole the Desmond thought he was, and realizing Desmond had never been free was a punch in the gut, but Desmond gaining resolve and strength from his ancestors was sweet in a way.

Thanks for writing!
AnnAisu chapter 1 . 6/23/2014
Well, it hasn't quite been 6 years yet. : )
I loved his innocent little question, where do you keep the throwing knives? Definitely am awww worthy moment.
Only one thing - and I didn't know this until I saw it on the wikia - the emails to Lucy were actually from Warren Vidic. Nothing major, the rest of it was great.
I liked Desmond's talk with Lucy. I wondered about the 13/16 years when leaving the farm... nice solution. : )
Poor Desmond finally gets a hug, then his dad goes all, "raise the next Altair or Ezio." ... at least, I'm assuming that's what happened when he learned about the scar.
Stormbirdie chapter 1 . 3/3/2013
I love it. Please, write more like this. I also read your "It's Okay"- and cried. Like a baby. Honestly, you have a gift- don't you dare contain it.
Kat Morning chapter 1 . 11/27/2011
Yay! Loved this so much. And I get to round your reviews up into the double digits! I seriously do love the backstory you've set up for Desmond, and his relationship with his father. Also, as always, you've got a really clever way with details that makes the whole thing really rich.

And so far so good! Revelations hasn't destroyed your backstory yet, and I'm more than a little sure that it was William ordering them to put Desmond back into the animus. He's a jerk that way.
Von chapter 1 . 10/13/2011
*Fangirly titter*

WHOO HOO! Man there aren't words for how much I love this. I am now prepared to be gutted when the reality doesn't reflect this ficlet. :D

IS THERE MORE? I hope there is!

Fantastic characterisation, and man I love Desmond's father.
DecepticonDefenestrater chapter 1 . 9/3/2011
This is an awesome story! :D
wisecurledqueen chapter 1 . 8/21/2011
I love the expanded backstory on Desmond, and I can see him mature as his life continues. My new fanon for sure, and the last line was just poetry. Thank you so much!
dragonlover131313 chapter 1 . 1/22/2011
That...was...AWESOME. My god that should be canon it was so well written. I literally have no words to express just how much I enjoyed reading this so instead you will get my awed silence.
Skylan chapter 1 . 1/15/2011
I love this theory (mainly because I think this is what happened as well because I don't like the whole Desmond's son reliving Desmond's memories thing)! Anyways, I really like how you wrote this- it's amazing and so in-character!
Karaii chapter 1 . 1/3/2011
This was marvelous! I really enjoyed the insights into Desmond's life on the farm, especially his relationship to his dad... but what I most loved was how well you detailed Desmond's nature. it's really subtle in the game, but you hit it on the nail: Desmond sort of just goes with the flow, doesn't complain, and tries to keep his head low, no matter if he's suffering or not. It's heartbreaking but so very much him... and then the ending here - oh God, I kind of want you to keep writing, even though at this point all it'd be is speculation. You've got something going on here!

Keep on writing :D
just a rambling romantic chapter 1 . 12/3/2010
Oh. Ohhh. Des. -wibble-

Ffffffff this was so beautiful I might adopt it into mind!canon. Seriously.
Tunazap chapter 1 . 11/21/2010
I really don't think it's Vidic anyway, and your theory is totally awesome. So excited for Brotherhood fics, and an awesome one at that.
MollyTheWanderer chapter 1 . 11/20/2010
Wow. Good fic. Everyone is in character, runs with canon nicely, and you picked Desmond (always a plus). You've got a nice writing style as well, you could carry it over to original works easily. I very much wish this was a multichapter fic, but I like it as is too. Will definitely take a look at your profile.
