Reviews for The Man In The Mirror
abbyweyr chapter 12 . 1/31
glad the story is completed.
abbyweyr chapter 10 . 1/31
good that she told her mother.
abbyweyr chapter 9 . 1/31
glad able to keep Tobias out of attic for now at least. move the mirror to her room, in closet? not reason for Tobias to be there. James, apologize? not real. Be very careful Rose.
abbyweyr chapter 8 . 1/31
so much for Tobias not finding out it was Bella.
abbyweyr chapter 7 . 1/30
The uncle is back. Great scene with Rose. Not sure her actions make sense.
abbyweyr chapter 6 . 1/30
his reluctance is understandable, better to have talked it out and get her thoughts.
abbyweyr chapter 5 . 1/30
wow...a real piece of garbage James is. Surprise move by Edward.
abbyweyr chapter 3 . 1/30
so the notice has gone out and the mad uncle will be returning...not good.
abbyweyr chapter 1 . 1/30
Interesting start.
CalyKally chapter 20 . 8/8/2019
I'm one of those that came YEARS after, but I really truly enjoyed this story. I've been running out of the good ones, but this had all the key components I look for in what I read. Thank you so much!
Guest chapter 10 . 10/2/2016
Bella sounds so whiny
Guest chapter 20 . 4/6/2015
I have read many different fanfictions from many different fandoms, some being delightful, and others...not so much. I've probably read WAYYY over 5000 fanfictions in my lifespan, but this has to be AT THE LEAST, in my top five favorites. (I'm not even exaggerating.) It might as well be my favorite, the plot was so interesting and I couldn't leave my computer alone for more than a few minutes. I was constantly guessing what was going to happen and it put me through so many emotions I had actually cried for five chapters straight. There was very few grammatical errors, and if you lengthen the book and change the names of the characters you could turn this into a novel. Or maybe I will write something similar, I wouldn't want to steal your plot though, so I might change it completely? I don't know, but to say the very least you are an amazing author and you should keep writing! (If I did, which isn't likely, I will 100% give you full credit.)
Jenny Morgan chapter 20 . 11/10/2013
Ohh that's so beautiful! I loved it! Poor Bella and Edward, they went through a lot!
Kisses and high praises from your (from now on) number one brazilian fan!
puss-is-in-boots chapter 20 . 2/7/2012
ahhhh I dont even know where to start! I LOVE LOVE LOVE this story! And I am in love with this Edward! I literally sobbed my way through when I thought she had schizophrenia! (that was mean of you :P) Such an amazing story! It's so original I absolutely love it!
Bitches-Love-Canons chapter 20 . 1/2/2012
Loved it! Very nice twists! Plllleeeaassee write a seqeal?( adding to fav's list!)
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