Reviews for You're In My Light
Klax Reaper chapter 1 . 12/19/2018
That whole thing after the disclaimer is annoying, why do people do that? I legitimately want to know. Show don't tell.
Or in this case describe the setting in the actual story and not in the prelude
RedmapleLeafinFall chapter 1 . 10/30/2012
I may start lurking your fanfictions. I loved both of the fics you have posted. If you post more i will read them!
Atlas Grimm chapter 1 . 4/9/2012
superbly structured.

Its all I can say.

~Ciao Atlas
Trent chapter 1 . 2/22/2012
Make more
InEnemyTerritory chapter 1 . 3/15/2011
Nice one. But i don't understand why the chocalates were filled with drugs
MidnightsLastKiss chapter 1 . 2/19/2011
Wow excellent work
Blood-Hawk-531 chapter 1 . 12/5/2010
RozErika chapter 1 . 11/24/2010
I know this is Aqua but I want to lengthen my past review with this little part.

Holy crap you wrote lengthy paragraphs of the lemon and oh my god, I'M SO JEALOUS.
Mendazzaline chapter 1 . 11/24/2010
This was... pretty. No kidding, it's really hot. Hysterically sexy. How else could I describe it? You're still a virgin. Good for you. You should write more. Jk, but really, write more. What kind of drugs were in that chocolates, though? Congrats on the first Carter x Kat lemon though.
iwantyourovaries chapter 1 . 11/24/2010
I love this. Like alot. 3
ER1k chapter 1 . 11/24/2010
sexy lolz
M i N e R a L - T e A r S chapter 1 . 11/24/2010
Aqua sent me, just so you know.

And this is. AMAZING. I really love it. First lemon of the pairing; I'm gonna die~! Maybe I should try writing some lemon of KxC. Or even Ex6. or J-(sniper)x6. I don't know. But nonetheless, this lemon's really sexy. I swear to god, if I'm a guy, I'd come.


Keep it up, SS!
Lots of Laughs chapter 1 . 11/24/2010
Wow. First Kat x Carter lemon ever.

Wow. First fiction ever.

Wow. Emile's a bitch in this.

Wow. I better stop saying wow.

Ahem... Yup. This is not bad at all for your first fic. This is AU right? So from what I can gather, I guess the WHOLE Noble team survived the events of the Halo trilogy? I don't care about Jun's spoilers. Anyway, this story was sweet. The scene was pretty hot, actually. I'm honest: very, very sexy.

Write more lemon if you must.
F o N t E. AQUA chapter 1 . 11/24/2010
This may be the first lemon I have ever laid eyes on... and I love it. Well, maybe the lemon part did because I kinda squirm and 'uhh' and 'err' every so and then. But yeah *nods* I LIKE IT! Thanks SS for writing this~

Carter's so fierce... woah oh oh. There's this craving of hotness everybody wants. And as the tension build up, the craving increases. Me likey how Carter says Catherine instead of Kat. It means that he says her true name which I think is evidence that he likes her. What the heck, he DOES like her *spoiler*. It's not Valentines Day but I'm glad I read this. Why, Carter that is the PERFECT present~ Anyway, Kat was also good. Noticing how much she contributed to give the both of them pleasure... wow. Just wow, I'm just gonna say wow, no more.

You're writing an Emile x FEM!Six lemon too right? I HOPE YOU DO. WARRIOR READER AND I ARE WAITING. ALONG WITH MINT TOO.
