Reviews for This is Mostly About Pie
Juliet chapter 1 . 2/1/2019
This was very sweet. I actually saw Toy Story 3 in the theater when I was 6 (because I’m a baby). I really like how you write the Hudson-Hummel family, and Kurt is very cute in this one. Great job!
devil-reapess chapter 1 . 5/26/2017
I also had a baking disaster when I was aboutthinking 6, making my mum a cake since she was ill. I decided to make carrot cake withwith no recipe, cause was a stupid child, and forgot you used milk in cakes and ended up using water instead. Also whole carrots, it didn't turn out well obviously.
botanicalTJ chapter 1 . 8/23/2015
Can I just... ahhh. So cute. So. Damn. Cute.

You're still my favorite.
Dish chapter 1 . 6/20/2014
Damn, now I want pie.. :3
JannP chapter 1 . 7/31/2013
I... may have learned the "icing is not cake-glue" lesson as an adult. On a seven layer rainbow cake. It was sad.

Unlike this story, which was amazing. Quite possibly my favorite part (beyond the pie, of course) was the brotherly teasing. Finn petting the DVD case cracked me up.

In short, since this is for me, you're immensely talented and thank you for sharing.
trufflemores chapter 1 . 9/28/2012
In addition to all the Hudmel family feels, I now have all the pie-craving feels. And Thanksgiving feels. At least I'm reading this now at the onset of fall and not in the middle of summer. That would require pie-intervention, whereas this at least means I only have to wait a few months before indulging in all my pie-craving-Thanksgiving feels.

I adore these little homey domestic scenes with Burt, Carole, Kurt, and Finn. The banter between Kurt and Finn was adorable. I loved how Finn's sole goal is eating pie while all Kurt is interested after eating his Thanksgiving feelings is sleeping them off on the couch. You also managed to bring early Klaine feels into this with the Toy Story 3 DVD. I love how Finn teases Kurt about it, even though Kurt insists that it's not the same as him and Rachel because Blaine and him are just friends. Bb.

And I just love Kurt cooking. He seems so comfortable in the kitchen, and the fact that he's even willing to look a little less than his best - a streak of flour in his hair, for instance - only serves to emphasis that he's a baker at heart. I love how you write him. He's precious in this.

Carole actually did break my heart a little by saying that she wished that she had been able to give Finn a proper Thanksgiving dinner more often. At least Finn was a good sport about it and she has Kurt now. Still. All the Hudmel feels.
klainebowsandpercabeth chapter 1 . 9/22/2012
OH MY GOD. I MADE A SAN ADREAS FAULT LINE CAKE WHEN I WAS 10! It was the first time I ever tried to layer cakes and it didn't turn out very well. Awesome job Caitlin!
Musicismyblood chapter 1 . 4/5/2012
Damn you. I'm hungry now. How could you?
Pie chapter 1 . 3/23/2012
UGH, THIS IS SO CUTE. I personally adore your writing, especially the Finn & Kurt brotherly fluff. This story is hilarious and sweet and fabulously written! I love Finn's infatuation with pie. It was hilariously adorable when Finn kept poking Kurt and trying to wake him up for pie. Ah, brotherly love... ;)
Vee22 chapter 1 . 3/2/2012
Mmm... I could totally go for some pie now. A very tasty story - oh, and the family moments were sweet too! )
ImDefyingGravity13 chapter 1 . 12/2/2011
this was amazing! Finn's line about Blaine's DVD case made me laugh so much :D this is why you're my favourite author :D x
rofro05 chapter 1 . 7/3/2011
I know that I am prone to saying that stories you write are my absolute favorite ever, but this really is one that I come back to over and over again. Because there is just that much to love.

1. I LOVE that Finn and Kurt have come to a place that Finn will come to the kitchen in his holey boxers and it not be a big deal.

2. Kurt running around like a five year old trying to watch the parade and cook at the same time is the best thing that I have ever seen. Not to mention his shock that Finn has never seen the parade.

3. You always mix just the right touch of angst into you fluff at the right moments. Just the mention of Mollie was perfect and explained all of Kurt's reactions to the holiday.

4. All of the brotherly fluff was just perfect. And my favorite was Finn teasing Kurt about Blaine. It really amde me want to squeal a little and smoosh their cheeks.

5. The focus on the pie was the perfect device for moving this story foward. And I love that you carried it right on through to the end. It put a really nice finish on a really great piece.
melg97 chapter 1 . 6/6/2011
Now I am ready for Thanksgiving! Yum... this sounds like my Thanksgiving too. Cooking all morning, Macy's parade, pie, anything that isn't football on TV... leftover pie for late night snack... 3 hours of sleep before Black Friday shopping. I just need Kurt over for Thanksgiving! :)
mypastnobodybussiness chapter 1 . 5/19/2011
lovely xD, i really love a family fanfic, especially Kinn :)

i cannot wait to find more good stories like this

love your story :)
WELL NOW I'M CRAVING PIE chapter 1 . 5/11/2011
Very accurate, this is exactly what probably happened.

Love how this is in Finn's POV.

Well now I'm really craving pie.

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