Reviews for Geas of Gryffindor
Alotua chapter 26 . 5/14
I am revisiting some of the old fanfiction that I used to love. A lot of it hasn't held up to my current taste, but this one isn't one of those. This story is so good, it breaks my heart. What a pleasure it was to read it again after a few years ️
Guest chapter 26 . 9/8/2019
Where is the end?
kare-bear-Karen chapter 26 . 9/1/2019
Please update! Your writing style is so unique and I can't imagine how this story will end. You have so many well written characters with their own stories to tell that it's a little crazy. Please update soon.
ImUpToNoGood chapter 26 . 6/29/2019
I hope you are still writing, despite the long gap since the last chapter! I hope you are well.

I fell into this story and am thoroughly engrossed. I delight in your characterizations, and how each person is uniquely themself, even when there are more than one of the same person, only with different experiences, making them same, yet different.

I love how you play with the experiences make the person, how charming Draco’s memories so he thinks like his 14 year old self revealed how at heart, he is the same good person he became, that good heart only covered by the posturing he believes necessary.

I am curious about what happened with Percy, and whether the fact that Baby Dark Lord could not pass the Weasley wards meant that he is inherently evil (hope not) or if it a result of the fact that tuning the wards to exclude Death Eaters also tuned them to exclude Tom Riddle in particular, regardless of the form he took. His magical signature would be in each and every Dark Mark, after all.

I am so looking forward to various Reunions: Harry (A and B) and Sirius, Severus A and Severus B.

I want to see them all healed.

Very good writing! I am hoping the long hiatus is not due to giving up fanfic writing altogether, despite writing original fic. I know several professional writers who write fanfic as well... it does not have to be eitheror. I wish I could read some of your original fic as well!

I wish you all the best, and hope hope hope that you find your way back to this story.
ImUpToNoGood chapter 9 . 6/28/2019
I love the technobabble. I much prefer to have some exposition... and you did it through dialog, so that anchors it in the story and the plot. I love your writing and your characterizations.

I love Lily’s shade, providing commentary. She also knows both worlds (or perhaps more... do you suppose that after death a person unites with all of their various selves? That would be strange, but it would also be strange to have a bunch of Lilys and Severuses (Severii?) etc. running around. The afterlife has got to be a strange place!)

I was almost going to pass this story by due to the “dark themes” mentioned in the summary, but it was the sequel to your amazing Secrets of Slytherin, so I had to read it! So glad I chose to read it. I am enjoying each chapter!
duj chapter 26 . 4/22/2019
A tour de force. Let's hope your inspiration and motivation return.
SilverLightning26 chapter 26 . 3/24/2019
Keep writing! I love the characterization here, somehow staying true to the canon characters we all know and love yet fleshing them out far and beyond anything we had in canon. You definitely are a gifted writer. I've read your other two stories with these characters, The Secret of Slytherin and A Game of Chess, and I love how they all tie together. I can't wait to read what happens next here. Update soon!
Guest chapter 26 . 3/11/2019
This series has been good entertainment, even as a work in progress. AO3 also stops at ch. 26, but says the story should be 33 chapters, which shows me that the rest is written, but for some reason was never posted anywhere due to the author's illness. I hope the author survives and I hope someday to read the rest of the fic.
Guest chapter 22 . 3/10/2019
Draco asked if Dumbledore is dead, but nobody had mentioned Dumbledore by name or title. I can't tell if this is an honest mistake. If so, you may want to have someone mention Albus.
Guest chapter 9 . 3/8/2019
Wow. Good insight with Harry being the Sirius of the group, but ashamed of it.
Guest chapter 8 . 3/8/2019
In Lit classes, back in the old days, I learned about "god in the machine," where out of the blue there was some contrived end to danger. At the beginning of this fic, you sort of did the opposite, where what had been a perfectly intelligent, sensible, mature Harry had suddenly acted like a moron and put everyone in danger, starting the alternate universe adventure. Now, I'm glad to see Harry in this universe being as smart and reasonable as the other one was in [Book One] Secret of Slytherin.
Guest chapter 7 . 3/8/2019
Terrific chapter. It's sure worth the read, even though I feel that you suckered me into the whole thing with misleading information. lol I'm sorry to see that the story is unfinished. I'd only started the first one because it said complete, then found out it was just part one of an incomplete series.
Guest chapter 6 . 3/8/2019
Portraits in the headmaster/headmistress' office did not seem to be paying attention to the boys.
Guest chapter 3 . 3/8/2019
WTF is with the gigantic author notes? I can't read them without falling out of the story, and yet I keep worrying that you must think they somehow enhance the experience. Bullshit.
Guest chapter 2 . 3/8/2019
Well, by the end of ch. 2 I had shivers, so I admit this is much more intriguing than I'd imagined from ch. 1.
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