Reviews for Love Kills
brevlore chapter 1 . 7/19/2016
o-oh my g-god, it fells like I'm choking on my tears and sadness. you beautiful writer you. full stars, you keep reaching out to our h-hearts there; okay?
Lily chapter 1 . 5/1/2011
I'm depressed but also confused. How the hell did Logan manage to kill himself off? I mean, you'd think that since he's from, like, practically the Civil War he would've found a way to off himself BEFORE he met the OBVIOUS love of his life, Marie/Rogue/my-role-model.

I liked how you incorporated the song at the end. Very nice. And how you changed the ending. I never liked that part of the song. "Love hurts/Love scars/Love wounds/And mars..." I was always wondering, "mars"? You put "mars" into that song? What the hell FOR? It didn't go with the message of the song at all! I mean, I know what "mars" means (aka hurt) but it just kinda repeated itself with a synonym! I hated that!

Anyway, very nice. Very sad, very depressing...but nice.
Washu-Sama chapter 1 . 3/17/2002
That was so sweet... I have to go see my boyfriend! Keep Writing! _
Tropical-sandstorm chapter 1 . 3/16/2002
that was so sad. i seriously had tears in my eyes. but it was beautiful. very sweet.
Jubilee2 chapter 1 . 3/15/2002
I really like your are such an awesome writer

I love this story, its soooo sad and beautiful at the same time

Keep on with your good work

I hope you understand this, but english is not my foreign language

Hugs Jubilee
Lilly25 chapter 1 . 3/13/2002
Oh my good *snief* Its sooo sad but beautiful

I love it
Lucky439 chapter 1 . 3/11/2002
is it like sad fic day or waht its sooo sad great story well written and soo sad