Reviews for the Nutcracker
Ginger713 chapter 9 . 8/24/2019
LOVED this story! Cannot wait to read part 3!
Ginger713 chapter 8 . 8/24/2019
Yeah! I'm sooo happy that everything went so well, and no one ruined it or gave him grief. The kids really worked hard (and so did the Cap)! Seemed everyone enjoyed as much as I'm enjoying the story!
Ginger713 chapter 7 . 8/24/2019
I LOVE how this group of men are like a family. And this chapter proved it soooo well. Cap and Johnny- father and youngest son. Cap took care of Johnny in such a loving, fatherly way. Johnny's calls made me cry. He needed to get it out and the only one he could talk with was his "dad", his Cap. It was sooo sweet. This chapter really touched my heart.
Plus, Dad laid down the law for his other sons! he-he. Too bad he cannot do that for the rest of the firemen...I hope his daughter has a wonderful last night she deserves, because she has earned it. It was soooo great that they got a standing ovation on the first night, and Cap never knew who was out in the audience.
Ginger713 chapter 6 . 8/24/2019
I LOVE how Johnny has his Cap's back! And so does Roy & the rest of his men...they want to cheer him on in a positive way. The rest of the firemen...well, they want to see the SHOW!

I am TOTALLY enjoying this story! It's sooo unique! Yet, the Cap loves his daughter sooooo much; she is one lucky girl! WOW!
Ginger713 chapter 5 . 8/24/2019
Poor Hank...Will ANYONE be WORKING when he's dancing?! he-he!
Ginger713 chapter 3 . 8/24/2019
Oh NOOOOOOOO...NOT ALL THE CHIEFS! How would like to dance in front of your bosses...period?! Let alone in a jr high play that you're doing for your DAUGHTER?! No THANK YOU! I'm sooooo embarrassed for him, but you know he'll be AWESOME!
Ginger713 chapter 2 . 8/24/2019
You KNEW that was going to happen when he said he was relieved to have done in front of a small audience! he-he He will do it for his daughter...and only for her!
MG chapter 7 . 8/21/2015
As one who has taken her fair share of dance and seen her fair share of musicals, a lady would curtsy not bow. Although I guess you just said bow and that is what you called a curtsy. And I am loving this story. I love John stories, and I love this one about Cap. I have heard of other athletes in other sports taking ballet lessons for the same reason Cap took them. I loved it that you had a soccer player for the lead and not a football player. Something different. :) on Chapter 6 now. keep it up; it is a good story. ;)
starlight guardian chapter 9 . 5/17/2011
I love this story, esp the chapter when Johnny tells the cap about his shift and his experience with the little boy. Not only is it heart-wrenching but that Johnny is that empathetic to another person's needs and emotions. His protective instincts truly come out, for Adam and his captain. Excellent story. I again am in awe of the quality of the story.
Surf-merGirl1963 chapter 9 . 1/4/2011
Just like the one before it, this story is a gem! I absolutely LOVED it! (Another one to add to the ol’ favorites list. LOL) Thank you so much for sharing and I really hope you do write another one.
CapLovesHankandKel chapter 9 . 1/4/2011
What a warm, sweet story! Cap is my ALL TIME favorite character on E!. Love to see stories that revolve around him. The talk with Johnny (who I HATE with a passion) was truly heartwarming. Such a great story all the way around. Thanks for writing it and a sequel would be most welcomed! Thanks for writing about Cap. I'll be checking back :-)

Happy New Year!

river95 chapter 9 . 12/29/2010
This was marvelous! I especially liked Johnny introducing young Adam to the Cap - that really made the point that dancing is not "sissy stuff" in any way, shape, or form! I would really love to read a story about Chet swinging from the rafters as Peter Pan - I have a mental picture of him in that fabulous green outfit that Mary Martin wore, and I just can't stop laughing!

Thanks for all your hard work in the writing of this piece!

Ginger S chapter 9 . 12/27/2010
I just read from chapter 4 to the epilogue. Pre-Christmas extra job prevented me from being able to catch up. I have thoroughly enjoyed this story filled with family love from both the Stanleys and the Station 51 crew. GREAT JOB! Thanks for sharing this Christmas treat. :O)
Cassidy Anne Yarrow chapter 9 . 12/25/2010
This was really a nice Christmas story, I enjoyed reading it very much. Would love to see you do a sequel to it! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Kathey0607 chapter 9 . 12/23/2010
I think there were several firemen who were being put on the spot and possible embarrassment there at the end of the chapter. It was also very considerate of the high chief to cover for Hank.

I'm all for sequels for this story.
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