Reviews for Sharpe's Doctor
Arkilos chapter 12 . 3/2/2017
Well done for your first story, and congratulations on managing to complete it. I wish you luck in future stories.
cmr2014 chapter 1 . 12/18/2016
Someone else besides me likes Sharpe? Awesome! *dives in*
Frostbite49 chapter 12 . 3/23/2014
Enjoyed this pairing very much. The story idea kept me reading and you retained the essence of the main characters. A proof reader would help you with some minor editing (missing words, spelling errors) which can undermine the story. But on the whole, I enjoyed it very much
XiaoWing chapter 12 . 2/27/2014
Loved it :)
Firecadet chapter 12 . 4/9/2012
Very good story in terms of plot and action. My one issue with it is a slight one about the standard of English contained in the story. Despite this the story is well written though, so well done overall.
Macceh chapter 12 . 3/4/2012
I love this! Sharpe and the Doctor make a brilliant team and you got all the characters down perfectly. Thank you so much for writing this, reading it really made my day!
Miguel51 chapter 12 . 10/3/2011
That was a great fic! The Doctor and Sharpe make a great team!
Miguel51 chapter 11 . 10/3/2011
How the hell does Sharpe know Amy? ...wait, forget how daft that question, does that mean the sequel is with Eleven? Hmm...
Miguel51 chapter 10 . 10/3/2011
Sharpe met the Doctor in India, eh? I'm thinking it was Nine...
Miguel51 chapter 8 . 10/3/2011
'While the other half including Dupont froze with shock like a rabbit caught in the headlight and was engulfed by the rock slide and buried under a ton of rock.'

I find it interesting that you mentioned rabbit(s) here, because those suckers totally went tharn.
BlueNeutrino chapter 12 . 5/25/2011
Thanks for the speedy update, and what a wonderful way to finish it! Nicely wrapped up, and I'm looking forward to the sequel with Amy and 11. Although is it in fact a prequel, since it will be set when Sharpe was back in India? Hmmm, probably best not to think about this too much...

I particularly liked the part with the Doctor singing 'Over The Hills And Far Away'. I love that song to pieces and imagining the Doctor singing it was just a lovely image to have in my head.

Thank you also for putting the effort in to do some historical research - it really takes this story to a whole other level sets it apart from other Doctor Who crossover fics. I still can't work out why a story this good hasn't got more reviews.

You've done an excellent job on this story throughout, and I really can't wait for the sequel!
Alys5 chapter 12 . 5/25/2011
Great story, two of my favourite genres. Loved the end bit about Sharpe having met the 11th Doctor and Amy as well as the beginning where the 10th Doctor had met him before in a previous incarnation. Looking forward to the sequel.
BlueNeutrino chapter 11 . 5/24/2011
Oh, I hadn't realised that Harper hasn't got his volley gun yet :( Not, to worry, this story is awesome regardless :) It makes sense though now that you've pointed out the bit about Sharpe's Eagle. It's good that you're keeping with the continuity, because that's something I always find slightly annoying in fanfiction when authors deviate from it.

I must admit I laughed at the first paragraph. I probably wasn't supposed to, but when I read "the sabre cut aimed at his neck had missed and sliced into his thigh" I just thought "Ok, that is REALLY BAD aim," and I was a little amused by it, but it got serious again after that.

This part was amazing, "Astrid...Grace...McCandless...Amy, Amy Pond" Sharpe moaned." I cannot wait to find out what that means! Is 'Astrid' Sharpe's Astrid or the Doctor's Astrid? And how is Amy involved? Is it something to do with the other doctor in India? Has Sharpe already met 11?

Please update soon because I can't wait to see what happens!
BlueNeutrino chapter 10 . 5/16/2011
That was brilliant, as per usual. I'm really intrigued by this mention of another Doctor in India and I can't wait to see where that leads.

Can I be a bit cheeky and leave a request? Please please please make Harper use his volley gun at some point in this story. I just think it's a really awesome weapon and Harper's the best person to use it.

I loved the ending. Poor Sharpe - he always seems to get shot or stabbed or something! Can't wait to see what happens.
BlueNeutrino chapter 9 . 4/28/2011
I loved it! The fight sequence was brilliant - well written and I could imagine it happening very vividly, and you've got Sharpe's fighting style exactly right. So Dupont's dead? That doesn't mean this story's going to end soon, does it? Because I hope you write loads more. This is an excellent story and it would be a shame if it finished after only ten or so chapters.

On a slightly more critical note, you may want to go over the first paragraph of this chapter again because some of the sentence structure seems a bit awkward and there's some punctuation missing. The rest of the chapter's really well written, but those first few sentences might want tweaking a bit.

Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed it, as usual. This story is brilliant and deserves many more reviews than it's got. Eagerly awaiting your next update (and hopefully many more to follow!)
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