Reviews for Marchin' On
past decembers chapter 1 . 4/18/2011
This was sweet!

I was kind of disappointed that they didn't end up together, but you're right - they haven't been friends.

-Bridgit x
OneDream 2Dream chapter 1 . 1/18/2011
Hmmm... I like that aspect! I've never really seen them before without falling in love. I loved little Rosie. She seemed adorable. I loved this story! Great work Abbie! Keep writing!
juneneopolitansundae chapter 1 . 12/26/2010
I almost started crying at the end! So cute~ D:))
CHANNY IS MY PARAMORE chapter 1 . 12/26/2010
GREAT but please but them together i hate when there not
JBieber'sShawty chapter 1 . 12/3/2010
Loved it as always,Abs!:D

This one was quite different! Very unique!;)

You've probably heard this a thousand times but you're honestly a heck of a writer!;)

Thanks and love you too!:)
WhimsicalWonderland chapter 1 . 12/2/2010
AWWWW, abbs. I loved it. This makes me so happy to read! I love how you made them friends throughout their lifetime. AMAZING
StarfishOnTheBeach chapter 1 . 12/2/2010
First, i'm disappointed they didn't end up together but you are right, friends are the most important! Second, you are an amzing writer and I LOVE your stories It's good you tried something different, everyone expects them to end up together :) I love the way their friendship worked out! x
Jee chapter 1 . 12/2/2010
Wow! I didn't know anyone else knew thing song! Great fic :)
love her against reason chapter 1 . 12/2/2010
That was actually exactly what I was thinking after I watched Sonny With a Kiss. :) They'd never declared themselves as friends. :p

Anyway, Chad and Sonny as biffulz would be

Amazing Story! :]
Cute chapter 1 . 12/1/2010
I liked it! Well done :)
Mimi chapter 1 . 12/1/2010
I loved it! :D
TeddyLuver chapter 1 . 12/1/2010
ABBEBI! *hugs* Fantabulous, mummy. :) It's true, they've never really been 'friends'. You're soo amazing, you capture all the emotions perfectly. Danci will love it. :D

Love you, mummykins!
Sunshiningdays581 chapter 1 . 12/1/2010
that is soooo sweet! i wish i could get a birthday fan-fic cuz tomorrow its my birthday!
DancingRaindrops chapter 1 . 12/1/2010
Oh, Abbebi. *hugs*

I do so love fics like these ;) Progression ones. Showing how a relationship evolves. They're realistic, you know? :P

The beginning was sad :P It's kind of awful to think they didn't speak for that long, even if I'm not as in love with them as before ;)

But their first time speaking was lovely, dearest :D It was funny and Chad was sweet and the whole thing was oddly sentimental underneath it all ;P I don't know how you do it, Abbebi, but you somehow manage to add so many layers to something, seemingly without any effort ;D

And then they start the fine/good fights again ;) And he punches the guy for her! That's so sweet :D

The grandmother bit was sad :") Very touching, Abbebi *hugs*

LOL, I have to say I wasn't sure what to think when Chad had a daughter xD I was thrown off a bit there ;) But it ended up being really, really cute :D So props to you, dearest. LOL, I never should have doubted that you would ever write anything less than perfect ;) And I LOVE that her name is Rose xP

Chad as a bridesmaid would be hilarious xD And his speech at the wedding was just too awesome ;) It was random and rambling in adorable, humorous way that I could totally imagine Chad's expression for xP

Aw, cheers for friends! *hugs*

You're such a great writer, Abbie. Truly. :) And I'm supposed to have good taste, so there you are. xP

Thank you so much for this, dearest! It means so much to me that you spent part of your day off writing for silly me :P

Love you, Abbebi :)
alexatheknight chapter 1 . 12/1/2010

Even though they didn't stay friends, I couldn't help but love it anyways. (:

It was so cute..and funny...and CUTE! ;D

LOL, I thought it was kinda funny that her name was "Rose" when at the same time, I'm reading a Rose/Scorpious HP fic. xD

Anyway, I loooooved this. (":

Oh, and thanks for your review! :D