Reviews for The Inevitable Path
Lenore91 chapter 4 . 6/3/2013
This is a nice fanfiction - I'm wondering what direction it could take and wether you'll continue it... :)
addenza chapter 6 . 12/28/2010
Your story is quite interesting, so I'll continue reading it(:
PaTitoChan chapter 4 . 12/15/2010
ahh! i hate cliff hangerss! buut..i have to admit im a liittle bit confused . isnt Allen supposed to be there, not Lavi,Lenalee, and Fou? Oh well. ill just keep on readingg :3

Please update soon! cant wait!

~ThankS 3
Lunar Hikari chapter 2 . 12/11/2010
I just had to review this when I noticed that there was only one review (HOW IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE? O_O) so my Reviewer OCD kicked in and I had to make it the pretty prime number of... DUNDUN DUUUUNNNN~ TWO! XD As a Hetalia fangirl, when I saw the name Yao, I freaked. Seriously. -squees and hugs China plushie-

Well now that I've got that randomness out of my system... This story seems amazing. Really, you have to continue it. And big chapters aren't a problem, they are WORSHIPPED -hint hint- ;P

For pairings... Allen/Lenalee pwease? Ehehehe, as my OTP I constantly feel the need to request that... X3 (how many emoticons can I fit in one review? _ )

The OC's are fine, I normally don't like them, but these are some of those few OC's that actually seem to add something to the story, that can let the readers see into the locations from a different perspective, see the characters (that we know and worship -bows down to Bak-) in a different light.

So, all in all... AWESOME! CONTINUE PLEASE! 3
Famelia Ly chapter 1 . 12/3/2010
I enyojed reading Allens thoughts. Really. Very depressing.

Im actually quite interested in where thisll go; I mean it in the sense that I have absolutely no idea and thats what makes me so interested in your fic Are you thinking of any possible pairings?

Anyways, I hope youll be able to update soon.