Reviews for 5MetersofAwesomesauce
Alek Llylwyn chapter 1 . 7/30/2014
You're an AMAZING writer and I love your stories. Have you ever considered being a writer?
Leafy Love1221 chapter 12 . 9/6/2013
This story is amazing! I love the detail and the way that you portrayed the characters. One minutes I was smiling and laughing knowingly while the next you had me about to cry my eyes out. This story and plot line captivates me and is probably one of the most unique ones that I've seen so far. Seriously though. This. Story. Is. Awesome. X3
Katzbac chapter 12 . 2/24/2013
...and I cried. TOO MUCH FEELS! ah! and maple syrup coffee. :D
Atlantis chapter 12 . 1/12/2013
*SOB SOB SOB* That is so depressing! TTTT
roughdiamond5 chapter 12 . 10/18/2012
You do PruCan extremely well, I must say. Both in Devil Dance and this story, you did both Matthew and Gilbert justice. I'm not entirely sure why we needed the tangent about the kingdoms, though - it was cute, but it was never really mentioned again.

I was almost worried that Gilbert would try to get Matthew killed so they could be together in death, but I should have had more faith in him - after all, the crash got Matthew noticed, so he could live his life loved by his family AND Gilbert. Well done, I must say.
MapleSyrup CanaDERP chapter 12 . 10/8/2012

This story was wonderful! Guardian Angel!Gil is just so unique and perfect...where can I get myself one o' them? 8D

I loved how you developed the relationship between Matt and Gil, from complete and utter denial to can't-live-without-you love. You even developed the background characters nicely, which far too few writers do. :D

I was saddened by Gil's final death, but it was great how you ended it! :D

*goes off to read more of your fanfics* 8D
AshMeowsYaoi chapter 12 . 8/28/2012
IAM OFFICALLY CRYING. Why did Gil have to go away D"x i cant wait for them to have Gilbabies in heaven C':
HimekoUchia chapter 12 . 8/6/2012
Awww my goodness I'm a little teary here...
There is something insanely awesome about your stories... They are all so awesome and beautiful!
I am now such a PruCan junkie... I never even knew this pairing existed until a few months ago XD
This story was beautiful. Ghost!Angel!GuardianAngel!MedievalDouche!Prussia are all pretty cool!
I didn't see it coming when we found out he was dead though. It was a kind of like Ghost (the movie). Super romantic.
Thanks for writing this supermegafoxyawesomehot story!
happy holidays!
TobiTheNinjaKitten chapter 11 . 6/28/2012
you got me to cry outwardly... I never cry outwardly... how did you do that... TT-TT why did Gilbert have to leave so soon?
Awesome Empress chapter 12 . 6/25/2012
This story is amazing! The first few chapters had me cracking up XD

Oh Gilbert and your babies(; Then the last few had me in tears. I was sobbing in my room like the weirdo I am. ;A; Did Gilbert and Mattie really have sex though? Damnit! Why couldn't Gilbert magically be alive again? I loved this story so much. Its one of my favorites along with you :D
spida-dwag16 chapter 12 . 6/11/2012
I loved it! I was THIS close to sobbing my eyes out! XD AWESOME STORY!
spida-dwag16 chapter 2 . 6/10/2012
Gay face stubble! XD
Juan Pujol Garcia chapter 3 . 1/11/2012

Did not see the ghost part coming.

Mattie, you should be honored.
Juan Pujol Garcia chapter 1 . 1/11/2012
How did he know what Gil looked li- SOUL MATES! YES!
foREVerhauntingme chapter 12 . 1/4/2012
that was so sweet! that ending...*sniffle* i love it...oh Gil~
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