Reviews for Adventures, Atmos, and Advent
Hermonthis chapter 12 . 5/19/2015
I really enjoyed reading these little scenarios, and the hints of Aerrow/Piper within them, especially this chapter. It may be May now, but it certainly put me in a Christmas frame of mind. Thank you for writing this!
DrakiraDormiens chapter 16 . 1/2/2015
You are referring to APAH in this story I think, and I'm guessing the chocolate is a crescent moon :)
Amethyst Sparrow chapter 16 . 12/28/2014
Hey :) I didn't think that you would update this year. I'm glad you did though, I've missed good quality Aerrow/Piper fluff. The story that was nodded to was APAH (which I am still anxiously waiting for a new chapter on) and the symbol would be a crescent moon. Hope you had a merry Christmas!
Amethyst Sparrow chapter 15 . 12/15/2013
Haha poor Radarr. Great job! I'm still having a hard time picturing stork dressed up as Santa, but hey, that just adds to the humor of it. My guess for this chapter would have to be a boot from a Santa suit. Update soon!
Amethyst Sparrow chapter 14 . 12/14/2013
Welcome back! Glad to see that you haven't abandoned this story completely. Great job with this chapter! Loved the little snippets of each character during the count down, and Piper getting even with Aerrow after the mistletoe incident ;D. As for the guessing game, I'd love to continue it (especially if it still gives us the chance at getting a peak at the next APAH story). It's quickly become a yearly tradition I enjoy a lot. For this chapter I would have to guess fireworks. Update soon please!
Guest chapter 13 . 1/2/2012
Hey, really well done! This chocolate has to be Santa Claus or whatever other name that he's called in different countries. Hope you have a happy and blessed new year!

~ Amethyst
WhispertheWolf chapter 13 . 12/31/2011
Ah, this chocolate is Santa Claus, I believe. Also known as St. Nicholas (real name), Father Christmas, Sion Corn ("Chimney John"), Gwiazdor ("Star Man"), Ded Moroz ("Grandfather Frost"), and many others.

And this is a Radarr one! That makes my day!

Yes, another Christmas come and gone. That's alright, I dragged out "A Storm Hawks' Christmas Carol" for two Christmases, and not only was material already provided for me, but it was only 9 chapters. Look at it this way: You'll have it done by next Christmas! Hopefully . . .

I'VE REACHED TEN! Cool! Hmm, something short . . . usually if I get a short idea, I write it myself right away; it's chapter fic ideas I leave unattempted. So I don't have anything off the top of my head I can hand to you. I, uh, like things about Radarr, as you've already seen, especially if they're Aerrow/Radarr friendship fics. There's not enough of that furball on here. Some Fanfiction writers even forget about him or write him out. In fact, any Storm Hawks fic about an animal or from an animal's point of view is both mostly unattempted and extremely appealing to me. But let me think about this, and I'll get back to you in a PM.
Strawberry Kaydee chapter 13 . 12/31/2011
I really don't know what this one is, but my best guess would have to be a "Santa Hat"

Hope you had a wonderful Christmas and a happy new year!

Best wishes,

Strawberry Kaydee
DevilsAngelSaphire chapter 12 . 12/5/2011
I have been away for far too long. This is a great story to come bvack to Fanfiction for. Enjoyed the story. Can't wait to read more! :)
Amethyst Sparrow chapter 12 . 12/5/2011
Really well done! I don't think I've laughed that hard during a story in a long time. I actually wrote a story almost exactly like this last year, I have to admit that I like yours better though. As for the chocolate for this fic, it's defifinetely mistletoe: the best Christmas decoration ever!

Till next time,

SassyGirl104 chapter 12 . 12/3/2011
this story is so awesome!.. I really luv the idea behind it and this chapter was hilarious!.. it made me lol..

Was the chocolate Mistletoe?..

Keep up the great work, i really luv ur writing style.. :)
Strawberry Kaydee chapter 12 . 12/2/2011
WhispertheWolf chapter 12 . 12/2/2011
Leave Finn to do something like that!

This one's easy. The chocolate is mistletoe!
Ravess fan chapter 11 . 12/2/2011
It be cool if u can do one with ravess and dark ace getting stuck under a random mistoe thT snape put up x3 ur stories r awesome
Strawberry Kaydee chapter 11 . 12/2/2011

Sorry I haven't reviewed for a while, I haven't had much access to the internet :(

I love this series!

Was it a teddy bear chocolate?

Best wishes,

Strawberry Kaydee
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