Reviews for Forgive Me
Glowstar826 chapter 1 . 4/27
This is a beautiful insight into Snape’s mind. I love it! Can’t wait to read “His Greatest Wish”!
Thora Jane chapter 1 . 7/8/2018
"...because it was my punishment in life that I might lose her also in death." ( I just lost it!) This is such a good story. I am going to read more of your writing, OF COURSE! I also really liked what you said about Sirius being captured. You write with good insight into Snape's mind ;) I feel both very satisfied and also very sad by what I just read. Keep up the good work. Can't wait to read more.
Guest chapter 1 . 3/1/2018
Lumiellie chapter 1 . 5/13/2017
This is hauntingly beautiful. I can't express it in words. It's amazingly written and I can just feel the emotion within the pages.
TJ Jordan chapter 1 . 4/8/2017
Severus Snape has always been a very 'interesting' character to me when I first read the Harry Potter novels. And I won't lie, I did hate him along with Harry when we first meet him. But then again, that's something a 13 year-old would do when seeing the main hero of the story being tormented by a man who seemed out to get him. But over the years of reading the books and watching each movie as they came out, I came to respect the old Potions Master. Hell, I even admired him. But what ultimately made my dislike for Severus disappear was the flashback sequence in Order of the Phoenix when we saw Harry's dad bullying Snape as a teenager. I was once bullied during my days in elementary and early times of high school. Thankfully all of that went away when my family moved, but the pain and memories still remained. So to see Severus going through all of that torment, at the hands of a person I had believed to be a great role model, was not only shocking, but freaking horrifying. I remember what it felt like to be bullied, including the anger, humiliation and hatred I had. And that one flashback made me understand 'everything' about Severus and why he turned out the way he did. I really sympathized with him too. Because I could have become something similar if my family hadn't moved to a better town.

Anyway, enough of my journey down memory-lane, lets talk about your one-shot/prequel/spin-off story (seeing as it is connected to your other fanfic, 'His Greatest Wish').

For a stand-alone/spin-off, its actually pretty good. My only issue is that it feels more like summary than actual story, but then again we are in the head of Severus, so it would seem likely it would be told this way. I do feel some sympathy for Severus and the pain he is in, but due to the fact that we don't get much depth (in terms of scenery and detail of Sev's physical/mental reactions), its a little hard to really feel it. Its more being 'explained' to us, rather than being 'shown'. Explaining isn't necessarily a bad thing, but showing does play a big part in helping us really feel it. But then again, this is a story meant for those who have read the novels and know the lore (not so sure about the movies, since they don't go much depth or detail as the books do), so it would seem redundant to retell 'everything'. And besides, its a story that connects to a much bigger story, so we'll get more of that later on.

As for Sev's hidden 'love' for Harry Potter, I kinda buy it. I do think there was something there, or else he wouldn't have done the things he had done to protect him. I do believe he cared for the young Gryffindor, but I do believe a lot of it was out of guilt and shame. That's not a bad thing, I'm not criticizing Severus for it at all. Love and care played a part as much as guilt and shame did, motivations to keep him going.

Maybe he was a little too harsh towards Harry and his friends, but when I reread the books and rewatch the movies, I have to admit that Sev does have a point about a few things. Harry can be reckless, naïve, impatient and loyal to a fault. I even agree with Sev that Harry doesn't think things through and that luck has been on his side to help him through it (along with some skills too). If this was Game of Thrones, Harry would be dead a million times over for not using his intelligence (look at Tyrion Lannister, he's a primary example of how to survive). But then again, Harry's a kid, very well influenced by his youth and inexperience. Severus could have done better in helping him through these flaws, but it also plays back into his loathe for James Potter and Harry's resemblance to him.

It took me a few years to figure it out, but the reason why Severus Snape ranked 2nd place in my favorite characters of Harry Potter was because he was a flawed character, someone who regretted their mistakes and wished to amend them. But because of his upbringing (lets be honest, his father had to be abusive) and traumatic past, not to mention the bullying and pressure he was forced to endure, it makes sense that he would have trouble opening up and letting these things be known. Which is why I respect him so much! He wanted to make right of his wrongs, without the sympathy or knowledge of others. It all ties back to his fear, shyness and emotional/physical pain, which are things we can all relate to.

Sorry I went on a huge review novel-length there. I can lose myself in these reviews from time to time. But anyway, I like that you show what happens to Snape during his afterlife and that he has found some form of peace, but still longs for more. And who can blame him, I would certainly wish to make right of my wrongs and fulfill that hole that Sev feels. You do a good job in showing us 'what happens after'. For someone coming off of the canon and lore of HP (not to mention a TON of depressing Severus fanfics), I can definitely say that I'm looking forward to the good stuff. Where Severus gets his second chance and now knows what to do.

There isn't much else to talk about with this story, since it is very short. But for the most part, good job so far. Can't wait to read more!
tricorvus chapter 1 . 12/30/2016
Wow. Just wow. Excellent .
Rock on
PharaohsMagician chapter 1 . 5/17/2016
Absolutely beautiful.
Dimplz chapter 1 . 5/7/2016
Beautiful! I can't wait to read the follow-up fic!
4everfictional chapter 1 . 2/23/2016
Awwww, cute. :)
justabooklover19 chapter 1 . 12/20/2015
I loved the explanation of Severus's thought process and actions regarding Harry, as well as his regrets towards calling Lily a mudblood. I can't wait to see what happens next!

Keep writing!
Guest chapter 1 . 11/5/2015
That was good! I totally love the idea of Lily and Snape! It's so great when, for once, the outsider gets the girl!
The Dark One Rising chapter 1 . 10/14/2015
This explains a number of things.
Saint Snape chapter 1 . 9/5/2012
How sad that even in death Severus would never see Lily. That just doesn't seem fair.

Beautifully written and a tearjerker.
Rook of Eight chapter 1 . 7/31/2012
That was beautiful.
Kefalion chapter 1 . 4/26/2012
This was beaitiful, so sad, sincere and forgiving. It made me cry just as the story of Severus' love for Lily should :)
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