Reviews for Sick Obsession
Guest chapter 1 . 3/1/2015
Omj it's such a good story but it made me cry too many times never got passed the third chapter T-T
Greenfeathers88 chapter 5 . 8/10/2013
Hahaha, oh, curious Daisya! Love him! sad he died :'( (sorry if it was a spoiler to anyone!)
Greenfeathers88 chapter 2 . 8/10/2013
Awwe, poor little Allen! :'(
Bloodyrose23 chapter 5 . 12/10/2012
This is AWESOME I live the story so far I can't wait for the next chapter
Ern Estine 13624 chapter 5 . 3/22/2012
this is really good, can't wait for more.;D
yuki-souma chapter 5 . 3/22/2012
this chapter was amazing

i wonder if allen is some kind of masochist

or is it his obsession that makes him that way

to have kanda to notice him

even if it's by this way

I'm looking forward to the next chapter

so please, don't take to long to update


see ya!
Hanashi o suru chapter 5 . 3/22/2012
Totally worth the wait! Although now that I think of it, I don't know what else I want to say...;

well, anyway, I enjoyed reading, and I hope you'll update more when you get to it! :D
Hanashi o suru chapter 4 . 3/13/2012
Ne, ne, will there be more chapters? Because I would really love to know what's going to happen!~

please update when you're able! (-) I'd love to read more!
Soaha chapter 4 . 12/1/2011
Someone needs to tell Allen that there are support groups for this type of thing...
booberry123 chapter 4 . 11/25/2011
To say that I love this story is an understatement. It's amazing! I love it, you have to keep updating.
AnnaNero chapter 4 . 11/25/2011

What's gonna happen next!

I think I hav an idea, then again, I'm a fangirl...

Can't wait for the next chapter!
Believe It Forever chapter 4 . 11/24/2011
:D this is awesome! So awesome that its epic! Like the way you write Allen
Believe it forever chapter 3 . 8/25/2011
O.o uh Ohhh
yuka chapter 3 . 6/27/2011
really awesome please keep writing. please please please have kanda choose allen!
jhn chapter 3 . 6/3/2011
write more please
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