Reviews for Clocks
HasNOTbeentaken chapter 1 . 9/25/2012
(I have an acount... just too lazy to log on)

I quite like this. I just finished watching the second season now. I think you got Henry down pat.
TeresaAmaliaJane chapter 1 . 7/15/2011
I love Henry's jealousy; it felt so real.

TAJ :)
regularoldplumbus chapter 1 . 6/6/2011
THIS IS CUTE :) I wish there was more Spirited fanfiction :( I guess I'll have to write one myself!

Great story, I wish there was more to it :3
Sonny13 chapter 1 . 6/4/2011
Aww, so adorable, i loved it! You should right another, multichapter one maybe... :)
johndoe91 chapter 1 . 12/7/2010
Hey Jins, it's Mute. Thought I'd give you some traffic, because it always makes me feel happy when I get some )

Yay for Spirited on FF! And a great first fic. Thank you.