Reviews for Choosing the Road Less Traveled
GrrraceUnderfire chapter 1 . 3/12/2019
I wish you would come back to finish this incredible story.
Pipamonium chapter 17 . 12/24/2018
I remember reading this story while you were posting it and being all excited we were getting to the end... I even snuck away from the family to READ the update as soon as I saw it was there. So sad it was never finished... although it's never too late if you ever come back and remember this story to finish it XD would be quite funny to see an update 5 years later.
Visage chapter 17 . 6/19/2017
This is such a unique origin story for our Unsung Heroes! I love the idea that this was a contingency plan from London in case of capture, it really adds to the general background. And of course, a little Newkirk abuse never hurt anyone, either (well... except for poor Newkirk!). I hope that some day your muse comes back and you upload the final chapter! I was devastated to see you didn't have any more stories published! Your narrative voice was so natural, I absolutely loved it. Thank you for sharing!
WaterDeep chapter 17 . 4/2/2016
Hi super-writer Keschte,
I just finished reading your wonderful story. You write very well and I really enjoyed it. So sad you never got to totally finish it. Life got in the way, I guess. I was looking forward to reading more and maybe finding out how Hogan got Shultz to be their barack guard instead of mean old Zimmerman. Thanks for sharing your talents! It was a wonderful read. You did an amazing job of balancing Newkirks hoplessly depressing situation with has and the others growing need to come together for the common good and trust.
Thank you and God bless you.
Lailariel chapter 17 . 3/18/2016
Please! Just post the last chapter! We've been waiting years!
JB Hawke chapter 17 . 7/3/2015
Excellent piece of work.
Abracadebra chapter 8 . 3/26/2015
I had to work backwards to find a chapter I hadn't reviewed. Keschte, you are so close to the end of this absorbing story. I know life has a tricky habit of getting in the way, but I hope you can return to it soon. I can't wait to be able to nominate this one for a PBA!
willwrite4fics chapter 6 . 11/22/2014
Omg, I'm totally loving this. I wasn't going to post reviews on really old chapters but I'm just now reading it and I'm all caught up in it and seeing Hogan finally standing up and seeing that he IS the leader... I have eye strain from the screen but can't stop reading.
Mesapoet chapter 17 . 4/22/2014
This story is wonderful! The characters beautifully written and believable. I hope you get inspired to finish soon. Till then, "I see nothing...NOTHING!" In the words of Sgt Schultz. ;-)
Beloved Daughter chapter 17 . 3/10/2014
Absolutely brilliant story! I can't wait for more - is there really only one chapter left? Such a wonderful story - I was completely enthralled with the way you wrote the characters and the plot - that I will be sad to see it end.
jediyam chapter 17 . 1/1/2014
Such a great story, glad I found it!
snooky-9093 chapter 17 . 12/1/2013
Finally caught up! Frankly im finding Hughes' remorse a bit annoying. Anxious to see the next chapter as there are lots of lose ends to tie up.
snooky-9093 chapter 16 . 12/1/2013
Well, I'm not surprised Newkirk wasn't the father. Although it would have been an interesting plot twist if he was. Meanwhile, Hughes is still despicable and his actions and those of his lackeys were totally unwarranted.
snooky-9093 chapter 15 . 12/1/2013
Just when I was wondering when we would have to witness the return of Hughes, you didn't leave me disappointed. Somehow I think that Newkirk's side of the story may be different. I like how things are moving slowly in the story. A lot of things are happening, and it takes time for it all to develop.
snooky-9093 chapter 14 . 12/1/2013
Using the building of the infirmary (great plot device) to get beams for the tunnel is a great idea. I'm glad you mentioned Hogans priority was the men in camp and their safety and well-being, not just the operation. His primary role is Senior POW officer.

The actions of the other officers were despicable, and to think that men died in this camp before Klink arrived is awful.

Happy that Hogan and Newkirk had that talk. I am still intrigued as to why Newkirk stole the cake. (I'm sure you'll get to that eventually.)
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