Reviews for Kiss Me Kisame
Forever-Buckskin chapter 7 . 3/14/2013
I hope you update soon because it is awesome! I cannot wait until the next chapter is up! :3
Star chapter 7 . 2/22/2013
aw... I wanted to read more!...
Kashagal and Natures Ruler chapter 3 . 2/2/2013
akami chapter 7 . 2/1/2013
BrownEyedHoneybadger chapter 7 . 1/13/2013
Grrrr, no chapter. I was so excited when I got the email alert too! Darn ...

Well, anyway use crying over it. Personally I feel any way you continue the plot is acceptable. It pretty much looks like the readers only like the interaction between Kisame and your OC.

This almost seems like the perfect opportunity to introduce some hilarity (some would call it "crack) into the story. I vote to have Kisame turned into a chicken! From there on you can pretty much have as much fun as you want. Gosh, just imagine the chaos. A shark/chicken/ninja hybrid running amok? Come on. Gimme some props.

OR. OR. OR. We turn ITACHI into a rat ...or a weasel ...or a baby.

Or a tornado hits base and half the Akutsuki dies.

Or time stands still ... except for one character.

Or someone turns the walls into cheese ... or war breaks out and everyone pulls pranks on each other.

Dear lord man, keep it going. I don't care what happens. I feel it is your duty and obligation to continue and finish this thing, even if it ends horribly. I've had many moments where I hit a wall and didn't know what I wanted to do with a story. I found it helped to read what I've written from start to finish and the first thing that pops into my head afterwards will consist of the next chapter.

I hope I was any help. Good luck and regards.
OokamiChi19 chapter 7 . 12/31/2012
I would absolutely live it if you continued this story 3
Marskatr chapter 7 . 12/21/2012
Eee, hooray, I'm so glad to see a Kisa/OC story updated, give me some time to read through all the chapters and I'll do my best to give you some feedback, lovey! :D I'd be glad to beta read for you or something, but I'd have to write my own stories first and I'm just.. not quite inspired enough. ; So I'll just try to give you a hand. Eeep, so excited for a new story to read. xD
Shipped-Teacup chapter 7 . 12/21/2012
I'm glad to know you're still breathing! I don't have any ideas for your story right at this moment, but I'll think about it a bit. Welcome back!
chomp0 chapter 7 . 12/21/2012
This story is great, I'm glad you're going to continue with it. :)
Guest chapter 7 . 12/21/2012
It's so good that you've updated again! I loved this story coz it's just such a cute, funny story! You should totally continue again!
Hakoirii chapter 6 . 7/4/2011
I think I would spazz too if I had a dream like that so soon after meeting someone, especially someone who isn't exactly ordinary by any means. But I think Kisame is secretly a big softie
Kim2000 chapter 6 . 4/7/2011
Wow! So AWEZOME! please, PLEASE update! I'm begging you! :)
Yukiume chapter 6 . 2/14/2011
Hello... I just read through the 6 chapters on my way to work and i must say... It's freaking BRILLIANT! I kept having to cover my mouth to suppress my laughter. Haha.. Update soon?
ammie-may chapter 6 . 2/5/2011
Awh! Kisame's so cute when he blushes! :D

Please update soon! 3
Shipped-Teacup chapter 6 . 2/2/2011
Awww, I love blue man! Your story is too good! I'm so glad I fell upon it! I just love the beginning of chapter 6, with the silent conversation. It's so sweet! Almost too sweet! But it's so heart-warming! I really love reading this! Great job! X3
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