Reviews for Comfort
katiep0203 chapter 1 . 9/26/2016
So many feels
imadj chapter 1 . 4/14/2013
WillowDryad chapter 1 . 11/23/2011
Aww, very sweet.
PenAndInkPrincess chapter 1 . 6/14/2011
Aw! That was so cute!
lifechiaroscuro chapter 1 . 4/15/2011
Great story! It's very interesting, how you write this. How old is Edmund? He acts so cute when he's half- asleep, but it kind of makes me think of my ten-year-old sister, especially when she was younger.
Got2LoveFandoms chapter 1 . 12/19/2010

That was adorable! I hope he doesn't have anymore nightmares! Loved it especially when Peter came and Edmund was crying I feel so sorry for him! Good job
Rhindons chapter 1 . 12/10/2010
Ah read that backwards. Oh well... I got it anyway. Great little arc. Maybe you could've played with this whole idea a little more and made more with your challenge words but it was awesome the way it is.

Eustacegirl chapter 1 . 12/10/2010
I liked this, but would like you to continue. Was his nightmare the witch?
BlackKeys96 chapter 1 . 12/10/2010
loved it