Reviews for Whom History Won't Remember
MagicLia16 chapter 69 . 4/9/2019
This was INCREDIBLE! I loved getting the backstory on Liam. I’m so excited to go back and read “Sick leave” again! The OCs were the absolute best! This is by far the best series of Merlin fanfic that I have read in my life! :)
Arachnide chapter 18 . 6/19/2018
Nice chapter. I am happy for morgana and gwen. And the gang seems to be fairing well. Wonder whats gonna happen next...
Arachnide chapter 17 . 6/19/2018
I will have to side with Kalem on this one. The man deserves what he got no matter how exactly it came to be that he was pu into jail. I am quite happy evrythinh ended well for the kids, i just thought tht sometying would go wrong or something. Heh, but thanks for not putting thwm in trouble, they seem to be very nice kids, i am starting to warm up to them. I am kinda sad for Allan of course, though. The guy still searches for his brother, still hopes that liam is alright and they are even in the same city...*sigh* its kinda sad, really. Anyways, i cant wait to see how the older members of the gang react when they learn what happened, hehe.
Arachnide chapter 16 . 6/19/2018
I am back! Well i hope so, at least, heh.
Yup, making Leon older is indeed reasonable. In the show, he does look older and some even say, i think, that he has helped to train the prince.
So you introduced morgana inthe chapter, i liked how you handled the situation, it was pretty interesting. I wonder if you will make any further mentions on her any time soon. Though, i am a bit troubled. Mayne it was a mistake or maybei jist need to watch the show again but you described morgana as having 'pale blue eyes', werent her eyes an emerald green, though?
Moving on to the gang, i can only hope that the younger ones' plan will go as planned. I dont know, i just have a bad feeling about it. But either way i loved how you wrote that scene where they discuss what rhey are going to do. I like how your writting is easy to follow and beautifully structured.
FalcoHeart chapter 1 . 6/16/2018
All OC stories will necer get my attention, but this story is the first time that it get my full attention! The characters are amazing and the most favourite of all will be always Liam, Fryen, Alan and KalemXD Thank you so much for the greatest OC I ever read. Next I will read the Question Series again because I cannot stop from reading it. Merlin and Arthur are the awesome pair while Liam and Fryen are the fabulous pairXD
Arachnide chapter 15 . 12/19/2017
Wow. Amazing chapter, i really liked it. Well, its good allan forgave his father and its nice that lillian is going to be staying with him as much as she can. Her support, i believe, is greatly valued. I loved the fact that lord hargren decided to help allan, that act of his has raised my opinion of him greatly. He is an incredible man.
Arachnide chapter 14 . 12/19/2017
Ohhh...i thought tarven would improve, what a shame... Well, i suppose there is nothing more the can do... Anyway, allans reaction to the situation was interesting and quite responsible too. I am proud of him, the boy has his head straight. I hope if he isnt able to find liam then at least he will see him again in the future.
Arachnide chapter 13 . 12/19/2017
Then i guess i do not know kalem. Anyway, i really liked what he said about men crying, that was a very nice jab towards arthur. I liked the chapter, it was very good. Although, i am sad about allan. He is going to return and find noone, all of his family will ne gone, that will come as a ry hard hit. Overall, the chapter was great!

P.S sorry for that overly big and unnecessary review on chapter eleven. You dont need to read it. Its just me talking nonsense. I am sorry, suicide is a very tender topic for me, not that there is any reason but still...
Arachnide chapter 12 . 12/18/2017
Oh, wasnt that tne name of that nice son of a lord who didnt like peasants that we met in lord hargrens mannor? The nice young lord, around the age of elias and allan? But why is he here? Did he come to really pay his respects to the people? How nice of him, such a gentle soul. This was a good chapter, very emotional. Some tears found their way into my eyes, i didnt cry but i still got misty eyed. Very good chapter, i really liked it. So much happened in it, wow...
Arachnide chapter 11 . 12/18/2017
What The F-Furball !? How could he?! Its no excuse that he couldnt beasr the pain! What about Alan and Liam? Did he think about them, no he didnt. He didnt think about the pain he would be causing them, he just- how could he! I didnt go to kill myself when my father died, the idea never even crossed my mind! Because i knew that i would see him again at some point. I dont like when people do this to themselves. Cant they understand that they are needed and loved? Cant they see the pain that their death would be causing them? What they dont seem to understand is that they are so much stronger than they think. Yes, of course it is painful to lose a loved one but do they really think tha commiting suicide would be what that loved one wanted for them? Of course not! They were supposed to live, to go on, to become stronger from that experience, to bear their teeth and stand up, move on. Because as cruel and awful as it sounds we are not going to lose only one person. No...we are going to see many more deaths, have many more losses, say many more farewells, have our heart broken again, and mend it once more. A painful example, our parents, grandparents, many other older relatives, aunts, uncles, cousins, best friends, confidants, partners. Whoever said that they are going to live forever? Whoever said that they cannot die, leave, perish? Who said that? Why is it we think so? Or maybe we dont, because if the mere thought is painful then the actual happening is going to be heartbreaking, is going to tear us apart, shref us into pieces. Yes, it is painful, it is cruel, and god is it unfair. They didnt deserve it, we didnt deserve it. But thats life for ya. It gives...and it eventually takes. It is how it has to be, a balance has to be maintained, nobody can live forever, nobody. So thats why we believe, believe in a better place, a place where in the end of their lives they will be able to rest in peace. And do you know the best part? If it truly exists, then sooner or later, whenever it is that our time will end...we will see them again. And we will hug and we will kiss and nothing is going to tear us apart ever again. Nothing, not when we have finally understood how important those people are to us, not after lossing them and regretting not having spend more time with them, not having said everything we wanted too, were meaning too. And if thats true, then should we cry when they leave us? Do we cry when we part ways with friends or family when we move somewhere? No, we dont, because we know we are going to see them again. We have not been separated for ever. Time will pass and we will meet them again. So why destroy our lives when we can live them and make memories and stories that we are going to be proud to share with those we lost? Isnt that a nice thought? We cant have everything we want at the same time, but we can wait, we can wait and get it all back. For neither death nor farewell are an ending, they are a begining of another adventure, something else, something different, something unavoidable. Yes, tears will be shed at the death of a loved one but should we answer death with death? Do we kill ourselves when we say goodbye to our friends leaving work or school, or to our parents when we leave their house to start another? We dont. So why is it suicide is such a common thing in our days? Why cant these people just think that the loved one they just lost, is absolutely happy, in a place of dreams, surrounded by people that they themselves have lost such a long time ago? Why cant everybody see it like that? Can you answer this gueastion? Because i cant, because i cant understand! And what they dont understand is that by putting an end to their lives their pain doesnt vanish, it instead transfears to people that loved them. To people that cant believe their friend, partner, child, has just done something like that. Is that what they wanted? To make the people that love them suffer? Because if that was it, they succeeded. Can you imagine how hard it is to lose two people you love in very little time? It is devastating and it probably hurts like hell too. Add to that feelings of guilt and confusion, for not having seen the sines earlier, for not understanding why, for not having intervened sooner. It is torture. Torture that could have been avoided. I dont understand why people do this, sis... Can you explain to me why this happens? Can you? Because i am confused and hurt and angered by the fact that people really consider doing that to themselves and to their loved ones. I can understand it if it is in a situation like, the parents are abusive, everybody are behaving like assholes to you, or just life is a complete mess. Such a mess that it cannot be escaped, cannot be dealt with. I am not for killing yourself in such a situation, not in any situation. But that, that i can understand, that i can forgive. Because there is no other way out for them, because life is a living hell. And many times they dont deserve that, nobody does...but it happens and they break and they are not as lucky as we are to have a friend that is going to support them, a guardian that is going to give them a helping hand and lead them out of the dark. They are alone, they have noone, and their life is literally unbearable. I can understand them commiting suicide but i cannot understand the others. There are people who have been dealt much worse cards than them by life but they still held their head up high and made it out, moved on. Of course not everyone is as strong as somebody else, something that could kill a kitten wouldnt kill a tiger as easily and of course, conditions can also be different, something that could defeat a starving bear wouldnt be able to defeat a healthy one as easily either. But that isnt the case with human beings. We have the capacity to overcome our difficulties, learn, and become stronger from them. That makews us different, that makes us unique and that also means that we all have the same chances at overcoming the death of a loved one. But not everybody does. I can understand that, i can accept that but at the same time i cannot understand that and i am absolutely confused. So if you could help me, i would really apreciate it. Because while it makes sense, it simultaneously doesnt and i don know how to think about this.
Arachnide chapter 10 . 12/18/2017
Nice chapter, sad chapter. Sigh... It was nice adding lillian, i didnt think you would but it was a really nice addition. It showed how much she loved that family, its nice to see that.

P.S i might have accidentally lef a 'guest' review on chapter 7. Sorry, for that, i hadnt noticed that i was out of my account.
Arachnide chapter 9 . 12/18/2017
Oh Why would you do something like th-that? This must be one of the most tragic chapters i have seen you write. I must say i am impressed. It was such an emotional chapter, you did an amzing job at it. My heart almost was so sad... Wow! Didnt expect something so dark. I guess it is something that will shape liams personality, it will make him stronger, more resilient. At least i hope. Thank god he is at such a young age, maybe he will forget some of the most gruesome things he saw and lived. It is a surviving mechanism all little kids seem to have. Of course he will never forget what happened, i am not saying that. It will just become more bearable with time. But for whom i am also afraid is allan. I cant even start immagining how he is going to react when he hears of elias', helen's and alina's death. He is going to ne devastated... And so is going to be samer too. Poor family... This was a very good chapter. You handled the situation very well and was able to make us feel really sad when reading. Probably because we started loving those characters by now too. This was something completely unexpected. You are amazing, sis, you will never cease to surprise me!
Arachnide chapter 8 . 12/17/2017
Wow, i know that you are not ill anymore but that AN made me sad for you. I hate the flu too...its awful! Anyway, this chapter was amazing! And i was right, it was very interesting. That clifhanger is practically killing me! I cant wait to see what happens next! By the way, i really liked that lord hargrwn reprimanded tarven, the boy neede to hear everything said to him. I like how you sometimes make chapters like this. Put stuff we have been awaiting for in the beginning, in the middle put the more easygoing stuff and then finish dramatically AND leaving us on a clifhanger.
I didnt know you wrote have to tell me more about that! Why didnt you say anything! Do you know how many times i have said that you would be awesome at it? Yes, you do, but you kept quiet, sis. I am awaiting an explanation.
Guest chapter 7 . 12/17/2017
Beautiful chapter. Really, this was a very nice one. Calm, and interesting. Cant wait to see lord hargren meet with uther again. I want to see how they are going to interact with each other. And then, Alan is going to Camelot! I wonder if his path will cross with the knights coming for lord hargren and his family or even the lord and the aforementioned family themselves. Heh, well, the next chapter is bound to be interesting
Arachnide chapter 6 . 12/17/2017
Nice chapter. It was very interesting. Well, i am definitely happy that lord hargren is planning on doing something about that behaviour of his son, as he said, it wouldnt do for tarven to undo everything he has worked so hard to achieve. I was pleasantly surprised when i learned that alan proposed to lillian. I hope they will be happy together. Another surprise would be that Alina has a sister...i am curious about her, cant wait to learn more about her too. I loved this chapter, it was awesome.

P.S i think you should proof read this chapter once more. When i was reading the second part of the chapter with aline and samer i noticed two mistakes. Firstly, when aline mentions Sarah, samer frowns and says something like "Sarah? But she hasnt woben in years." and exactly under it you just have Alinas name. I guess you were intending to put an expression but forgot about it. And secondly, when aline tells alan he has to tell his siblings about lillian, you write " As the reminder of the trio..." bla, bla, bla. I think you need to put "At" there.
I hope this isnt insulting , i just wanted to point out a few things. Sorry if i came accross as rude, sis.
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