Reviews for Knowing the Difference
rhett.leonard.1 chapter 4 . 7/9
Gonna be honest for some reason this chapter kinda sold me on wanting to see a Logan/Mac pairing, just as an experiment. For some reason I can see it as interesting.
jaynealfie64 chapter 9 . 7/6
Great chapter on Mac! I really hope she can rescue Madison.
jaynealfie64 chapter 8 . 7/6
I love this story! I'm in the process of binge reading all of your fanfic and your writing is practically flawless. I just finished chapter 8 and there's so much to like in it. But i wish Logan hadn't said that Rosie O'Donnell is disgusting or called the girl in class who gave him her number "a dog". It makes it hard to like him.
Crazy Cat Lady9 chapter 19 . 6/15
Love it all, the entire story. My boss would be horrified to know how much time I've spent reading this epic today.
LoVeSophies1993 chapter 20 . 3/30
Aw, I loved this story. Sucks that you pulled the epilogue and never put it back though :(
AmyPC chapter 19 . 2/8
Logan, you ARE my family.

'nuff said!

Thank you Steenbeans! This remains my favorite sophomore year story and I am stoked to read the epilogue one day soon!
AmyPC chapter 18 . 2/7
oh, this chapter gives me ALL the feels. even after reading it n times I still tear up. their reunion is so beautiful in its simplicity.
AmyPC chapter 17 . 2/6
ugh, it hurts. this is miserably difficult to watch. I wish I had noted my thoughts the first time I'd read it. nervous. stomach tied in knots. heart racing. at least upon reread I know the best is yet to come!
AmyPC chapter 15 . 2/5
I loved following Keith's introspection about Logan throughout the day and I'm glad Alicia is so wise and level headed!

Casey is so great for Mac, I loved seeing him meet her family and fit in as well as he did.

The food bank scenes from Logan's POV are a bit bittersweet. He's the happiest he's ever been, truly welcomed and part of the family at dinner, Veronica with him, there interactions easycomfortable. But then he remembering his mom, Lilly, later Aaron, and finally Piz. He doesn't know they're on a break and thinking about her still being with Piz really puts a damper on his good cheer.

oh man, that break up was rough, but I'm glad it's finally done. I'm not sure how I feel about Logan making it look to Piz as though he kissed V. It's so manipulative! I suppose he didn't realize she was already planning on breaking up with Piz, but he sure did make it worse! It bothers me that V allowed her relationship with Piz to go on as long as it did. I wish she'd never dated him!

And I love the coincidence of Emily being in Logan's room and inadvertently letting the Piz/V break slip without realizing the significance!

Really great chapter!
AmyPC chapter 13 . 2/4
wow, V's description of Chillingworth should seem familiar to her! She's describing herself. Loved this classroom scene, especially the flashbacks! and the LoVe talk about their challenge to stay within friendship boundaries. I can't recall why Logan couldn't stay for dinnerdid he make up other plans just to get away?
AmyPC chapter 12 . 2/4
I'm always amazed how much story you've crammed into this! I love the Logan chapters. This bit jumped out at me this time:
Dick: Still?
Logan: Always.
AmyPC chapter 11 . 2/2
I loved the multiple POVs. Really great chapter. Dick and Mac's burgeoning friendship is something I really dig in this story.
AmyPC chapter 10 . 2/2
Veronica's dream is so scary, I hope she finds a way to stop having them again. The library flashback was perfect! I think the conversation with Piz is telling, he's never lost anyone, he can never begin to empathize with all the loss she's experienced. I had forgotten about the case for Ratnerthere is so much going on in this story but you do so well weaving all the plotlines in.
AmyPC chapter 9 . 1/31
It always bugged me that canon introduced the switched at birth storyline with so much potential and then completely dropped it. I'm glad to see you following it through here. I like the idea of Mac getting to know her biological family, especially her sister. And I've always been intrigued by Casey and think he's a good match for Mac in your story.
AmyPC chapter 8 . 1/31
Team detecting ftw! Great job using Heather to plant some doubt in V's mind. This is a great chapter, love a bit of friendship building between Mac and Dick.
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