Reviews for I'm Always Here
IcelandicLicorice chapter 1 . 5/11/2016
Chihori Anigma chapter 1 . 5/20/2014
I'm sure you could make up some angst of your own to make a love story, instead of using real historical tragadies.
AnimeAnnie chapter 1 . 5/4/2011
Thank God for google translator...Your story just seemed so much more emotional with the foreign phrases. The story grips the heart, me likey.
n0t1nuse chapter 1 . 3/13/2011
This was lovely. :)
Rezicca chapter 1 . 1/24/2011
Love. Love. Love. Love. Love.

First, thank you for translating at the end. I speak German, but not Italian.

I loved the detail and all the thoughts going through Germany's mind. Fantastic.
Jeanne'sWhiteRose chapter 1 . 1/23/2011
*sniffles* Feli, you freaking rock you know that? :)
ILoveAnimeVeryMuch123 chapter 1 . 1/12/2011
Coincidentally, my Jewish step-father was just telling us about his geneology project... where he's found that, for the most part, the information simply stops at the holocaust.

Poor Doitsu... D
Mitsuki Horenake chapter 1 . 1/1/2011
Whoa. Branding yourself must freakin' hurt...

Anyway, I almost cried when I read this. The pain felt extremely real, and I can't help but wonder if Germans still feel this way...
SovietChick chapter 1 . 12/27/2010
Oh wow... Words can't begin to describe this! A wonderful job! (I was crying.) I love how you mixed together the agony Germany was feeling along with the love of Italy. Also, the Swastika burnt into his cheast was a great idea.
Hungary-chan chapter 1 . 12/20/2010
Aww that's such a sad, but good story! I love it very much! Poor Germany I would hate to have to live with those dreams.. 3 I enjoyed your fanfic very much :DD
JansenFriedh827 chapter 1 . 12/18/2010
I always get sad when I see fluffy fanfics with no plots with a buttload of reviews, and then ones with actual story and emotion get a low amount of reviews. 8(

This was so good! I feel so bad for Germany D: I still remember reading up on this. How they would fill the German soldiers' guns with an exact number of bullets when they lined them and the Jewish people they were supposed to kill up. If one person didn't shoot, then they'd be killed, I remember D: And I can't remember what would happen if they missed when they shot... Oh well. This topic makes me depressed.

This, however, did not make me depressed! 8D Well, not in the end at least. Everything else was sad TT_TT But you still wrote this well, with Germany's emotions showed very well in the story. You did a good job or portraying the emotion felt by them! :) Great job!

Keep writing!
coyote.bite chapter 1 . 12/13/2010

I really enjoyed reading it. )
lynnthinksurcool13 chapter 1 . 12/12/2010
First of all, I think the branding thing was totally something Germany would do, and I'm glad you wrote it in. You portrayed his angst well. I heart the fluff like I always do.

I was also a little excited to see that I could understand a bunch of that German, all by myself! I'm teaching myself the language, but I'm only on 'Lektion fünf' so it was nice to think that I'll be okay when I go to Germany in April.

Random note aside, this was a really nice story. :)
Centerville's Very Own Latvia chapter 1 . 12/11/2010
Awww! Poor Ludwig!

You did an amazing job of depicting how Germany would have felt after the war. Absolutely marvelous.

Time to see what other stories you have written. :)
caligo-lux chapter 1 . 12/11/2010
really sad fiction...uhm i quite liked it but i would like to correct your german...

its Ich weiß: I know

and Sie würde nicht mal der Teufel wollen : not even the devil would want you

otherwise its really well written well done