Reviews for Headstrong Possession - Deleted
piratequeen3d2y chapter 2 . 4/10/2018
OMG! I loved the first chapter so much, and I really want to read the rest. I tried looking for it on your other accounts but couldn't find it. I would really love it if you could send me a link or something. I MUST READ THE REST! PLEEEEEEEZZE!
SomeChibiGirl chapter 2 . 4/9/2016
Does anyone have this story saved on their computer? I'm desperate to read this! Please message if anyone can send it to me!
Hart.a chapter 2 . 1/31/2014
I can't find this story anywhere else.
Guest chapter 2 . 1/26/2014

I'll still read the other one, though.
ShiroHalla chapter 2 . 1/18/2014
Okay curiosity killed the cat... I though that I wouldn't read the original story version of Headstrong Possession but I did. It was great! The way you revised it was different and new and yet totally captivating and the eagerness to read more remained, so yes good job and update soon!
Loojee chapter 2 . 1/12/2014
i'm really on the verge of crying and just eat tons of ice cream. i don't know how to say this politely but please..PLEASE! PUT THE STORY BACK! and the other one you deleted. i know i'm being insensitive here and doing a poor job of making you upload your stories again. i've also read your other author's note in one of your stories. taking writing seriously is a good thing that means you care for your readers .i know the feeling of wanting to voice out things and being frustrated afterwards when no one seems to care but your echo, but i want you to know-you're heard.i hear you and i'm listening. and moving on is great i think, and creating your own ideas, characters and own masterpiece is an amazing step forward. but i want you to know,that i'm a fan of your, you're one of the great authors that inspired me watch, read, and support Bleach cause i'm curious with your fanfics. you have a unique sense of storytelling, being able to put emotions in every words you now i'm regretting that i didn't finish this fanfic fast enough befor eit got deleted. so yeah,i'm begging you all my selfish heart to put it back. i know i'm selfish but i can't help it.

i support you with your moving on with this story but can't you leave your fanfic here as a mark that you've been here?

with all my love,
Minamoto Kouji chapter 1 . 1/11/2014
Oh my God, I can't believe this got deleted T_T
To be honest I had only read the first chapter (due to lack of time) and I had bookmarked the story for a long time. Today I found the notification in my email that it got deleted.
I don't really mind if the story will never be finished - I'm used to it, because most of my favourite stories stop being updated after a couple of years - but I was really hoping to read the existing chapters. I really wish I could. Because it seems exactly the kind of story I would fall in love with.
I wish you a lot of luck with your original stories and anything you do in the future. :)
abdola chapter 2 . 12/31/2013
Oh wow, I knew it was happening but it's still a shock to see it.

I really hope you keep on with this story because it was wonderful to see it grow and your writing improve chapter by chapter :)
PunkLolita23 chapter 2 . 12/30/2013
:C, Thanks for the heads up, it is appreciated. I really liked this story and will miss but I'll be sure to read the original version on wattpad.
Sanguinem7 chapter 2 . 12/30/2013
I've very much enjoyed reading this story, seeing a new chapter notification in my email always seemed to brighten my day. I don't know if anyone else could relate, but I read a lot of fan fiction, and some stories I like more than others. Some of their notifications might even get ignored and then forgotten about for a month or two, and it almost pains me to say that this story never fell into that category. I was always at the edge of my seat with this story, and it makes me very sad to see it go, yet I can understand why. It seemed that as you wrote this work of fiction the characters were changing, growing, even learning. I can't help but want to read this fan fiction even if it comes out crippled and wrong, but I know it's a selfish thought, and I probably wouldn't be the first to say it either. This story was wonderful while it lasted, and I can only hope that the rewritten version will be just as inspiring. I can not properly express in words how much I enjoyed reading this story(and not just for the M rated bits, either), I wish you luck writing the rewritten version.
PS; Darn you. ;_;
Wolf Productions chapter 2 . 12/29/2013
I'm a bit sad to see this story go, but I think it will do much better as an original work. You're right when you say that some of the character traits of Tite's characters where limiting what you could do in the story. The story line is creative and the characters have become so close that they can fully sustain the plot as original characters. So often, the plots imagined for fanfiction are deflated and lifeless, so, the only real joy of reading it is seeing your favorite characters go through interesting situations. The story line you created is thick and vivid and you will really be able to pull it together for a wonderful ending with your own characters. I do digress this departure but I believe you will do well. Good luck!
ShiroHalla chapter 2 . 12/29/2013
Even if you are writing it as an original story it wouldn't be the same TTTT... For a story you have followed many years and to see it suddenly change completely just destroys all the will to ever look at it again. I love to read fics you have written, I'm not a native english speaker and your stories are pretty much what helped me through all my english courses in school. I know Bleach is nearing its end little by little, but writers like you give the characters new life, new perspectives and hope for readers (or hopeless dreamers ) like me and for that I'm truly thankful : )
I hope to hear something from Heartless and Black and White soon, right, right?
sarge1130 chapter 2 . 12/29/2013
I am so disappointed when I noticed that you had actually deleted this story. At least, give us a bit information regarding Toushiro, you had ended the last chapter with that cliffhanger. Since, that is your decision, I have to say good luck on your future endeavors.
Chiaki Red chapter 2 . 12/29/2013
WHY?Why did you delete the story TT I had FINALLY find a good story about toushiro, even I don't like english, I was always trying to improve my level just to read fics YY
HeasStong possession is the ONE, the best story of the ginxtoshiro fandom! I was so happy when I received an email of the update, I was waiting for so long...and Now TT

Well...It's your story after all :( I hope that you'll write another amazing stories about this couple
Thanks for all \o
forever122 chapter 2 . 12/29/2013
OoO You... you deleted it... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! How could you?! This was a really good story! You are putting it on another website, but you won't update it? I feel betrayed. I am actually crying right now. I never thought that you would be one of those authors who would delete or discontinue a good story. I am very disappointed. I guess I'll have to go to another sight to reread the story. You are a very good author. I hope you continue to grow your skills. Now I have to read some of your other stories.
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