Reviews for Eleven O'Clock
Jelly bean 8290 chapter 1 . 9/15/2019
love it!
thesandbar chapter 1 . 11/24/2012
Heh, that's priceless. "Me. Need. Sleep." roflXD Such a Grumpy Smurf:P It's the Latin flair haha.
CourageAboveAllElse chapter 1 . 2/8/2012
This. Just, there aren't words. sleepy Carlos is adorable!
Hariken Hero chapter 1 . 1/17/2012
Lol I think the dryer just makes the whole sex scene hilarious! Haha poor Carlos! I bet James must have enjoyed himself thoroughly screwing Carlos senseless! XD " .Sleep." Carlos is so cute! I can just imagine Kendall's priceless wide-eyed expression when his beloved Logie was 'attacked'!
ah chapter 1 . 11/21/2011
DrowningInTheRainbow chapter 1 . 9/29/2011
OMG that was delicious! I love Jarlos (well, Carlos specifically) so it was born to be delicious, but the whole idea made it wonderful!
SlytherinGryffindorHPDM chapter 1 . 6/11/2011
awesome story. i have an idea for you do james and carlos in their bedroom with carlos topping
Kyuubi no Goddess chapter 1 . 5/11/2011
I think my favorite part was the endingXD Great job!

Kyuu out!
The Orange Knight chapter 1 . 3/8/2011
Wow, I am REALLY REALLY late on reviewing, but I have to!

HOT! SEXY! and just plain AMAZING!

Honestly, this is my favorite one-shot that I've come across!

Amazing work! ]
Mochi no Yume chapter 1 . 12/30/2010

I read this fic on Livejournal but I'm soo glad that I found it here so I can review and favorite!

Aww poor Carlos!

You do it too hard James XD

But we know that Carlos secretly enjoys it~

Even though his butt hurts afterward :(

But the sex scene was STEAMY!

I absolutely loved it!

And of course a big hurray for the Kogan :P

Great job!
AnnaLeeHenderswagg chapter 1 . 12/23/2010
That was so funny! . . . and hot! Wow! Who knew these guys could be that horny! I was kind of shocked at Carlos. At of all the people in this story he had the least amount of energy. Truly Shocking! But very awesome with this whole this being dirty! Fantastic Work! KOGAN! JARLOS!
jakegirl chapter 1 . 12/16/2010
Dam tat most of been worth the pain of getting F by James! hahaha love it
xNomii chapter 1 . 12/16/2010
I loved it!
TheApathyImp chapter 1 . 12/15/2010
I'm curious who was doing laundry at almost midnight. 3 Also, hooooooot, that was it. 3333 *throws my internets at you* you are ah-fucking-mazing. 3 MOAR PLZ!
waterwicca chapter 1 . 12/12/2010
This was great :D I loved the smut mixed with humor lmao :D
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