Reviews for The Great Magical Adventure
zero fullbuster chapter 15 . 12/28/2019
Love it.
Please write more.
Wow and yay for this story.
deathwearsblack chapter 15 . 4/2/2019
please update when you can.
R. A Cross chapter 15 . 7/14/2018
Cute... update please
Guest chapter 8 . 7/13/2017
How the hell can everything be turned to slash I do not personally disagree with it but I am fucking tired of reading it it's all I see anymore only male/male parings and it's fucking pissing me off for the love of the gods if everyone is suddenly incapable of providing male/female parings can there at least be female/female parings to change things the fuck up is that so much to ask for the answer is no... No it isn't
Allen Poe chapter 15 . 2/12/2017
I DO NOT KNOW WHAT IS STOPPING YOU FROM FINISHING THIS STORY BUT PLEASE I BEG YOU TO MAKE MORE AND MORE CHAPTERS PLEASE! The boyfriend love rellashionship between Harry and Shorty is so beautiful that i just can not wait to find out more! So please make more chapters as soon as you can. For your fans and for yourself please.
draco7347 chapter 15 . 6/27/2016
love story cant wait for new chapters
Mirage chapter 15 . 4/24/2016
sad that you stoped writing this Story, i really would have liked to see where this goes
maybe you come back one day and finish this Story
its 2016 now
Mirage chapter 4 . 4/24/2016
interesting Story, and maybe future Pairing...but Shorty is a dino, a longneck, they are large...can Harry get his animagus to be one of them ?, if not unsure...
Felina the nekomimi chapter 7 . 8/29/2015
Don't worry I know how u feel, I, myself have aspergers too.
SnowWolf43 chapter 15 . 7/9/2015
plese dear god come back and start up your stories again plese
Chop chop 2025 chapter 3 . 4/4/2015
Vary exlent vary vary extent I hope you continue or even make a sequel. Oh can you please make. The chapters longer
Thank you for such a brelent story
MozenrathLuvr chapter 10 . 5/18/2014
Ron is Cera's brother?! Ok...I wasn't expecting that.
MozenrathLuvr chapter 7 . 5/18/2014
I have Asperger's as well sweetie, and you're doing fine.
MozenrathLuvr chapter 2 . 5/18/2014
I have never heard of a HP and LBT crossover!
teddy.jan.79 chapter 15 . 3/20/2014
plz write more have harry get fuck by shorty
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