Reviews for Impossible Dreams
BrilliantPurple chapter 22 . 11/2/2015
Bravo bravo! Amazing story, and one that isnt angsty when involving a mage grey warden! Even though it had been about 4 years since last update, I am truly hoping you end up picking this story back up! So, can't eait for next chapter!
Kira Tamarion chapter 22 . 8/28/2011
Loved the chapter. I loved your description of Lyssa breast feeding! Brought back memories. ;-)

I know this is probably the calm before the storm, but absolutely love how you portrayed the new parents, especially those of twins. If was funny and sweet and real. Well done.

Zevran and Shianni are a great team. Zevran as a married man, hmmmm, that will be fun to watch.


The Lilacgirl chapter 22 . 8/27/2011
Squeeeeee, Update goodness! *Happy Dance* And BABIES! I luf the babies. .

I thoroughly enjoyed this chapter to see the loving family together, you really showed the affection and it made me smile. Lyssa helping Alistair release some *cough* stress, was hawtness you go girl! ;)

I LOVE Zev and Shianni together I think they make an adorable couple and fit perfectly together. Her fiery temper and his suave wit is a perfect match for each other.

Love this and can't wait for the next chapter already! *nudge* nudge*
tgail73 chapter 21 . 6/11/2011
Wow! This was such an emotional chapter.

I love how great Alistair was in the fade. He really is amazing.

Thrilled to pieces that the babies are healthy. They are going to be so spoiled. :)

Great chapter!
Asha'man X chapter 21 . 6/9/2011
What an interesting chapter. I've never read a chapter where the birth of a baby reads more like an action thriller. Kudos to you on drafting something that gripped attention and held onto it.

It was quite a ride, never knowing for absolute sure if Lyssa and Zevran would be ok. Lyssa really went through sheer hell with the birth. I think the fact that it was twins added all the extra strain, but I think that once she is back up and moving again, she will be over the moon with the fact that she has 2 babies.

I'm sure everyone is going to go all super mushy in the next chapter with congratulations and gifts, but there is one thing nobody has probably thought of yet: there is a strong chance that one or both of the children could turn out to be mages. I know both parents would want any mage child properly trained, but I can't see them letting the child stay in the Tower, away from them. Unlike every other family though, they have the power to stop the Templars and Chantry.

Anders was far more like his Awakening self here, which was something nice to see again. All I can say is that he has earned himself a massive amount of royal favour with all he did in this chapter. Don't know if it's enough to balance blowing up a Chantry though ;)

All in all, now that the babies are out, the story really has a chance to open up. I hope that Lyssa's magic also comes back to normal, she will need it sooner or later anyway. The future is now open and anything can happen. Looking forward to seeing what happens next!
Sathra chapter 21 . 6/7/2011
Totally Awesome! is it finished?
Isabella Monroe chapter 21 . 6/5/2011
WOW! What a emotionally powerful chapter. You did a wonderful job conveying the wide range of emotions from all of the characters. Alistair was awesome in the Fade at the same time heartbreaking. It took nerves of steel not to falter there and he handled the pressure brilliantly.

The birth scene was emotional and griping and our favorite healer performed splendidly. I love that mage!

Awesome chapter!
The Lilacgirl chapter 21 . 6/5/2011
YAY! This was well worth the wait amazingly, outstanding. I was completely engrossed in the chapter the whole time.

You did a fantastic job, you can tell you put your all into this and I can't wait for the next chapter already.
Kira Tamarion chapter 21 . 6/5/2011
Beautiful, powerful, amazing.

You had me on the edge of my seat the entire time. What Alistair did in the fade was the bravest thing I have ever seen. I was in tears.

This was a masterful update
Lumendea chapter 20 . 5/13/2011
I just found this and couldn't stop reading it. This is an excellent mix of fluff and drama that I can't help but be sucked in by. I can't wait to see more.
That One Angry Hobbit chapter 20 . 5/9/2011
please don't let Zev die, I have plans for him later XP
The Lilacgirl chapter 20 . 5/4/2011
ZOMG! *dies* AMAZING Chapter!

I have been meaning to review for awhile, I am such a bad reviewer. I'm working on getter better at it.

I love this story. I think I've been a lurker far to long and I wanted you to know how very much I've loved every second of this.

I'm excited for the next update! HURYY! .
Ygrain33 chapter 20 . 5/4/2011
Ooh, from fluff to horror... Hey, we _are_ for a happy ending, aren't we? This was a wonderful chapter!
SweetWench918 chapter 18 . 4/30/2011
That was simply beautiful.
KCousland chapter 19 . 4/26/2011
This was very sweet and at the same time I feel really worried about what's going on with Lyssa. It's an amazing, very emotional update. And poor, poor Zevran. I just love him, and I love the way you write him. Bravo, well done!
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