Reviews for Hostage
MartySmarty1111 chapter 4 . 7/17/2013
OMG great story please update
Forever Evil chapter 10 . 8/2/2012
*nods* this isgood only one chapter left you had better update cause I dont wanna be starring at chapter 11 hoping the next button will appear aaaaaaaaaand YOU HURT MY CLOUDY TT-TT poor poor adorable cloudy
Floreria chapter 11 . 6/7/2012
Wow I never thought I would like Riku/Zexion but I really like how their pasts intermingle! :D! This story is really interesting.
MidnightSchemer13 chapter 11 . 9/19/2011
I'm glad you updated! Thank you so much!

This latest installment is great! Zexion's lines really... wow. I really liked them! Your imagery and details were good, and I only found a few minor errors once or twice. I really do love how your story is coming along, and hope that you don't lose interest in it again! Thank you~!
xZexion chapter 11 . 9/1/2011
Super Story!

I love it!

Sorry for my bad englisch

But i hope you writte this story
shigt chapter 1 . 8/11/2011
it ok take ur time and up date soon
Yunie Tatlin chapter 11 . 8/9/2011

Anyway, lovely as always, and I really hope you finish this. I was so happy when I saw there was a new chapter! I really do like this fanfic... really really really do. I want to read more of this! So, please keep writing it!
evilgrrlstrike is lazy chapter 11 . 8/9/2011
Yay! You updated! I wouldl glomp you. But... this is the internet, so I'll glomp my computer.

Poor Zexy. The only people he trusts are dead... Man... hope that spell works!
DarknessSun chapter 10 . 7/12/2011

This story has gotten so many reactions from me, it went from funny, to not, to funny again...sorry, im kinda sick, so im hyper _

anyway, i love the the story and can't wait for the next chapter!
MidnightSchemer13 chapter 10 . 6/29/2011
Hello! I really like your story! I can't wait for an update!

I thought that Zexion was very in-character, and so was Riku. Kairi and Sora fit as well, and the story is pretty funny when it should be, and the tone is easy to recognize. I like how your chapters are long and detailed, with plenty of dialogue thrown in.

The bit about how, if Zexion found his heart, he would cease to exist and return to Ienzo was easy to follow. I never thought of it like that, but I think it makes perfect sense. It's cute how Riku fails at keeping Zexion a hostage at times.

This is a good story! I hope you keep writing! Thank you! :)
bouncymochi chapter 10 . 6/7/2011
I absolutely love this story! Please update soon!
erihan chapter 10 . 5/7/2011
its getting interesting more soon?
shigt chapter 8 . 5/7/2011
i think u sould make zexion get really sick then have riku take care of him
RAINRAIN9 chapter 10 . 5/7/2011
Best story ever! Update soon! I can't wait for the next chapter!
RedChain chapter 10 . 5/4/2011
This story is very well written. Please update soon.
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