Reviews for Bella's Child
Penseln chapter 1 . 12/14/2010
Well done but sad story but the thing you do when you see no way out. Cant help but feel bad for Bella and several authors here has made her a very interesting char.
D chapter 1 . 12/13/2010
this is really good and really sad. you should write more
Jacalyn Hyde chapter 1 . 12/13/2010
Helen. You can relax now. I spotted... ZERO errors here. I'm so proud of you and your first Potter fic. _

Rigel is a great name now that I see it here, good choice. Anyway, I just love seeing humanity in Bellatrix- the pity she feels for her nephew and the grief for her own child...

It's just a oneshot, though? I think it works that way but it would be interesting to see what happens if/when The Dark Lord finds out about baby. Especially if the killing curse can be traced back to Bella. I love it, regardless, Helen. ILY.