Reviews for Calamity
blindhunteress chapter 4 . 12/25/2012
I have always liked this pair best of all the next gen. There is really just so much potential, too many genres that can be worked on and make it look like canon!
opaque-girl chapter 7 . 12/20/2012
opaque-girl chapter 2 . 12/20/2012
So original!
opaque-girl chapter 12 . 12/20/2012
omggg this was so delicious! I loved, loved, loved it :3 Even though I hate people cheating in relationships on moral grounds, I loved the end, it was too amazing for me :3 Normally, with things like these, Scorpius runs after Rose, realizes she is his true love and blah - you get the point. I'm glad he couldn't care less for a change, because honestly, that's the reason he cheated and yeah, this was amazing :3 I loved the way you wrote it, your writing was fab and I'm adding this to my favs :D
felines chapter 11 . 8/28/2011
Aw. So cute, and so pretty. Rose's response to Scorpius was awesome.

This chapter is great! I love your writing, and I loved the beginning! Thanks for sharing!
lydiamaartin chapter 21 . 8/27/2011
Heyyy, what's this, Jenny? A MollyLorcan? From you? And you never told me? O_O I wouldn't have found if I hadn't been bored and bouncing around everyone's profiles searching for stories to read! (Basically, I'm hungry and annoyed because I have to leave for somewhere I don't wanna go soon, hence the need for good fanfiction )

This is wonderful! Even if you hate them and they don't exactly get their happy ending, I can dream, right? ;) Besides, I really did love this, partly because it's MollyLorcan, partly because it's you, and partly because, well, it's amyzing!

Okay, so, your Molly - she is so brilliant and believable and /so/ heartbreaking with her unrequited love for Lorcan and her jealousy of Lucy. It's so realistic, especially given that they're twins and all, and it's kind of sad, but I love the whole dynamic you created there, even though Lucy never even shows up. It's clear they've got an unspoken rivalry going on, and it's not /nice/, but it's beautifully written and understandable, especially on Molly's end, and I loved it :)

Oh, and I also loved the fact that she's a baker! It's a unique talent for Molly, and I love it, personally, because I have a huge sweet tooth ;)

And then Lorcan! He was just so /sweet/ and lovable and oblivious, and I was kind of mad at him because of his cluelessness, but, again, that was also realistic, because since when do boys ever fully understand something, anyway? :P Besides, I find obliviousness kind of adorable, even though it always ends up hurting someone. And I liked that he was so completely off in thinking she likes Lysander; it was really unintentionally funny and kind of bittersweet, but he was just so likable anyway! And, basically, I love your Lorcan :)

Also, I loveloveloved Lorcan having glass-blue eyes! I don't know what it is about that description, but I freakin' loved it. Possibly because my Lorcan also has those kind of eyes, only I've never been able to find the right word to describe them - I use 'silvery-blue' - but I love 'glass-blue' so much more. WHY ARE YOU SO GOOD WITH WORDS?

Are you still taking requests? I know it's been a while...but if you are, how about TeddyLucy, with the prompt "caramel"? Just an idea, of course; you don't have to do it if you don't want to :)

Anywho, if you haven't gathered from the ramblings up above, I reallyreally loved this, especially because I'm sure you won't be writing MollyLorcan anytime soon again ;) It really was amyzing and I loved it! :4

Marvelous job, and keep writing!
CarmenAlysh chapter 1 . 8/14/2011
Can I just say, you spelt Alysha the same way I do in my name, so I love you for that! :)
Claire Lafleur chapter 5 . 8/10/2011
this would totally be me if In didn't have a filter... loved it!
thingsscreaminthedark chapter 20 . 7/12/2011
'She is kind of the girl that sits on the rooftops of white houses to watch the glittering stars, and the girl that paints rooms of her home all sorts of colors for the hell of it, and the girl that just settles down in an armchair and reads a book.'- Perfectly sums up Lucy, I'd say. One of the best lines in the chapter too.

Lucy would be so sweet with Scorpius! Because he's all hard around the edges, and she's soft and dreamy. I just think they're really cute.

And this chapter was amazing! Like all the others. Update soon!

thingsscreaminthedark chapter 4 . 7/12/2011
I lovedlovedloved this chapter! The depth that was put into was wonderful, and of course, I can't deny Lily and Teddy anything. I like the twist with the relationships though, like with Lily and Scorpius. I've always been very fond of that pairing, but Rose and him are better together.

Wonderful chapter!

chasingafterstarlight chapter 20 . 6/24/2011

Really. The whole thing with the teardrop necklace and Rose hating it but Lucy loving it was so symbolic and sort of beautiful, especially at the end when she wears it. And Lucy was just beautiful here, one of those dreamer girls and the tie-ins with Narnia and that line about 'Narnia wasn't this cold'- it was just a win.

And I loved Scorpius, too, because he's so oblivious and even though he married Rose, I was sort of rooting for ScorpiusLucy here, lol. I like to root for the underdog and Lucy definitely was in this case.

Lovely job, anyway :)
a walk on the w i l d side chapter 10 . 6/23/2011
I love it! I lovelovelove how you almosalmost connected with the audience, how you made it seem as if you were actually telling the story, rather than just writing it down. It's great, it's like a beautiful summary of /them/, who they are and what they do, a touch of the (un)fairytale they're living (but really, it's mainly her, because he has a blue-eyed blonde, remember?).

The words, sentences and paragraphs that include the reader are very effective, it's a great technique.

I love it :)
a walk on the w i l d side chapter 9 . 6/23/2011
This is beautifulbeautifulbeautiful. Really, darling, they're all amy-zhie-ing.

MollyTeddy was great (and bittersweet).

LilyTeddy was beautifully sad (and I love how you make LilyScor work, but still have LilyTeddy have their happy ending, which I could never figure out how to do).

FredRina was amazing, and usually I don't like OC's, this one was great.

HugoEmma was sweet, and ohsoawkward and the ending was bitter (-sweet).

JamesAlysha were exciting and ohosmuch of a mess, but you wrote it clearly and eloquently and sweetly.

LucyLysander was unlucky (hence the name), with the prettypretty ending && broken hearts.

I love this, and I love your writing.

a walk on the w i l d side chapter 5 . 6/21/2011
That is hilarious, it really is :) Wonderful, so funny.

I don't imagine Molly like that, but it was greatly enjoyable to read :)

lydiamaartin chapter 20 . 6/21/2011
Jenny, this was /beautiful/! You know I'm actually a fan of LucyScorpius somewhat - I find them insanely adorable, and I just adored how you wrote their friendship in here - it was sweet and easy and poetic and just plain gorgeous! And dreamer!Lucy (and LucyEdmund! :D) is always a win, of course ;) Oh, and Scorpius was so cute with her, gah! It was all simply awesome!

Terrific job, and keep writing!
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