Reviews for try not caring
shesBLAZING chapter 19 . 6/11/2017
I always love reading about Brittana from Quinn's POV because of their shared pre-Glee/canon history and friendship, and you did it so brilliantly in a way that I don't think I've seen before and certainly not to the extent of a solid multi-chapter fic. "I'm beginning to get annoyed in a strange way with the presence of Artie. Like I have this favorite couple on television and the writers keep messing it up for me." HA! This said it all, really.

The entire story was moving, believable, and so very very true especially to the characters of Brittany and Santana: "I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you." Ahh... just perfect. :)
Guest chapter 19 . 2/5/2015
I felt my heart broken pieces by pieces since the beginning and finally being complete back at the last 2 chapters. The story is so beautiful I feel like crying at first because too much angsty but I cry at last too because the end is so beautiful too.. :)
Kajol93 chapter 19 . 12/30/2014
Awesome story. Wished there was more it ended so soon. I love the unholy trinity friendship, its very realistic. Emotionally stunted santana is always my favorite.
WonderousPlaceForAnEcho chapter 19 . 1/29/2013
cute, well written, endearing and looking into Quinn's head was fun. nice story.
brittanalover chapter 19 . 12/1/2012
this was amazing
D chapter 19 . 6/18/2012
Wow. Just wow. I was hooked from the first word to the last. Great job! And thank you for this! Really. Congrats! You should write more.
franzih24 chapter 19 . 9/9/2011
I love this fanfic you're a very good writer. Love it
Guest chapter 19 . 5/29/2011
I loved this fic.

I enjoyed the Santana/Blaine friendship, and Quinn and Rachel's friendship as well.

And of course the Brittana was fantastic. (Especially the last scene of the fic!)

Loved this!
1FictionFanatic1 chapter 7 . 5/23/2011
I'm not finished with this story yet, but so far it is SOOOOO good!

I love how you've written both Quinn and Blaine's characters, and I can't wait to keep reading :)
CoolEpilepsy chapter 19 . 5/21/2011
I really enjoyed reading this! It was great, especially from Quinn's POV which you wrote really well. The characters were like, spot on too. And the ending was just so cute. Amazing, incredible, just brilliant :) x
G33k Magnet chapter 19 . 5/3/2011
Awww! What a great ending! You are an amazing writer.
G33k Magnet chapter 12 . 5/2/2011
That last line...ouch.
G33k Magnet chapter 11 . 5/2/2011
I love Santana's list. Especially the black liquorice.
Lazielow chapter 19 . 4/3/2011
Awesome job ! XP
Quiroz chapter 19 . 3/19/2011
Sorry it's taken me so long to read the final chapter... but finally, yay!

And so another fic ends...

well, I have to say, it's been a fun ride. Oh, and before I forget, I liked the final sentence. Godd way to end the fic. Oh, and of course, that final scene was so cute...!

I hate it when I sound like that... you know, like asome sort of... fangirl... the funny thing is I'm a guy...

sorry, I digress... back to the fic.

I aprecciate its originality.. It was nice to see something from another person's POV,for a change. You know, it's usually Brittany and/ or Santanas, and then maybe other people. But you managed to make it. A complete Brittana fic with complete Quinn's POV. So kudos on that. It was good to its point. Seeing Brittana from a different angle, from an outsider. It was... refreshing. Who ever said everythings been done? Brittana needs to keep rewriteing itself. There are always original takes to be made... (and originall stuff on old takes). This was good. i quite liked it.

So... now... since it has been such a fun experience, and an original thing, I'm going to work on making this a full review (by that I mean it's going to make it annoyingly long... just to annoy you... I don't know, it's been a long time since anyone's been worthy of it... and now that they dissapeared bubble wrap, my best review has been lost... I know that has nothing to do with this, but I needed to say that. I'm sad a review I was proud of got lost. Let me whine).

So, characters.

Let's start with Quinn. Again, nice new take on the POV... and of course, as always, Quinn wants them to be together. Quinn ships Brittana. Of course, it's been done before, but never to this point. This was interesting because we did not only get to see Brittana from a new perspective, but we got to see the inside of Quinn. you know, I've had some issues with Quinn lately... not that I dislike her latest developement on the show... I neither like it or dislike it. But I liked your take on Quinn. I've always had a thing for Quinntana friendship (have I talked about it here?) I don't know, it's something I've always been intereted in. So it's nice to see that. For the character itself, I think it was a pretty accurate take on someone like Quinn. She may seem to have a perfect life, but it's not that easy. She's not the same bitch she was last year, but she's not an angel, either. She' kind of morally conflicted, and despite wanting to be the HBIC again, she can't help but to care ( I wonder if they'll ever revisit Quinn feeling guilty about moving Santana to the bottom of the piramid). Despite being a really popular girl, she can't but feel a bit... empty, or lonely. And so she finds some sort of... confort in Brittana... which now that I think about it, we all kind of do. And she accepts (eventually) that she cares, and that she wants their firiendship.

Santana: Pretty well constructed. You balanced the good and the bad. Her fear and her love. Her meanness (is that a word) and her ocassional kindness. it was, ultimately , believable. And that's what it's all about in the end, isn't it. He was consistent. And that's something I aprecciate.

Now, for Brittany, although she was not as dim and funny as she's usually potrayed, the character was still there. Some people lose Brittany. You didn't so good for you. She was still sweet and loveable. And I enjoy her whenever she appeared.

I liked how you handled Kurt and Blaine. Blaine and Santana being friends was nice... the idea of her telling Blaine she loved Brittany first was nice too. They didn't feature much, but their involvement was ultimately ... I don't know te word I'm looking for... it fitted the story very well.

I must say... Rachel's involvement seemd a little... random from time to time, but I guess you can justify that from her almost randomly witnessing one of Santana's breakdown... but I really don't have anything to say about her.

Now, your style, maybe it wasn't the bet I've seen, (I do think I saw some punctuation errors that kind of took some of the charm from it), but you were a pleasure to read.

Fianly the story itself. In the end, it was a very well handled story. Britt and San both made sense, until finally, it happened. There were a few times when I felt that nothing was happening, and that it was just more of Santana being depressed, without anything actually happening, but in the end, the slow developement was good and... well, again, believable. Realistic, I dare say.

So in the end. This story was worthy of this review. That's all I can say. untiil next time.

Santiago Quiroz.

PS: and thanks god you didn't actually include Faberry in the story itself, but rather let it to the mind of your audience (I'm sure a lot of them must be Faberry shippers and they will no doubt see it... you know it, I know it) It would have been so anticlimatic, and it would've kind of ruined Quinn as a character here.
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