Reviews for Talkin' In Your SleepSong Story One Shot
GalaxieGurl chapter 1 . 2/5/2017
A wonderful story, except for Hannah's tears. I couldn't dislike her character for being in the wrong place and falling in love physically with the wrong 'already taken who wouldn't admit it yet' guy at the wrong time. Very nicely written, reflecting Hannah's sadness and Booth's clueless happy place.
stephiet1973 chapter 1 . 4/27/2011
TravelingSue chapter 1 . 2/6/2011
Well done, I definitely enjoyed this. I'm shocked that I'm only the second review for this story. It's that good, you have a way with writing emotions and you made what we consider the inevitable possible and gave Hannah a graceful out.

Well done indeed.
stevieLUVSAlex chapter 1 . 12/23/2010
Not only did I love this FF, I find that your taste in music was WONDERFUL... Reba is brilliant. The moment you used the reference, "she heard dreams never lie" I was going to say something in my review, but then you quoted the song in the letter, and there is NO mistaking it. ) THANK YOU for a B&B happy ending, and thank you for having good taste in music.
