Reviews for The Black Sisters
LetheSara chapter 7 . 1/6/2011
I really like this story. It's written very well, and I look forward to further installments. I like how you've portrayed Bellatrix as somewhat brash and vulgar, and Narcissa as the observer who doesn't miss a lot. That's how I picture them. You've done a fantastic job.

MooMoo chapter 1 . 12/31/2010
Actually, what Marta said is incorrect. Rodolphus was in Bellatrix's year at Hogwarts, and they hung out in a group together.

I loved your story!
Marta chapter 2 . 12/30/2010
I like the story a lot. The plot is good and the characters are believable but the timing is off. It says the Rodolphus is a seventh year but it also mentions that Bellatrix wanted to marry the dark lord. Considering how Roldolphus and Tom were at Hogwarts at about the same time (I'm not sure whether they were in the same year but I'm pretty sure they were) it would be unlikely that there would be a "Dark Lord" at the time since he didn't adapt the title until several years after he left Hogwarts. Other than that it is a good story and I am eager for updates.
lolllllxD chapter 5 . 12/30/2010
love your story! please update asap! :)))
Severus Snape chapter 2 . 12/21/2010
I freakin' LOVE your story!