Reviews for Let the Silence Not Be Heard
emrysmorgan chapter 7 . 9/29/2019
This story a too good! Please continue this story!
TheSkyeDragon chapter 1 . 7/9/2016
Hey, just wanted to say that I loved this story! Im sad that you never finished the original story :( I really liked where it was going, and I thought it was really realistic. The only thing I didnt like so much was the alternate realities xD I thought they were interesting, but Id have preffered it if Merlin had been dying from some kind of curse or magical attack, but still, I loved this story :P
Kas3y chapter 8 . 10/20/2014
I was actually really enjoying this. And just when I think Merlin is gonna be hurt u change it. But I shall read the other one too. Just stay sad over this one :P
NaTak chapter 8 . 3/17/2013
... I mean, really? Then why haven't you deleted this one?
I really liked this fic. The idea was actually kind of original
TaekwondoAssKicking chapter 7 . 10/24/2012
Awwwwwwwwww! Just when it was getting good... Well, I guess that I can kinda understand where you're going about writing yourself in a corner.
Merlinfanatic77 chapter 2 . 4/26/2012
Luv how everyone wants Merlin to be there best friend! ~ MF
Merlinfanatic77 chapter 1 . 4/26/2012
Wow! Luv it! I want Arthur to find out so bad! ~ MF
Ringo'simaginarycat chapter 8 . 7/26/2011
I want you to continue! I was upset when I realized the last two weren't chapters.
NonyMouse chapter 7 . 7/25/2011
Aw, I wish you would continue with this story. One of the things I was loving the most about it was that Arthur didn't know about Merlin's magic. I'm so fed up with all the stories where it's just brushed under the carpet with either, "Arthur always knew and didn't care," or "Arthur found out ages ago and I can't be bothered to tell you the story of how."

The mystery and the sneaking around are some of my favorite bits of Merlin, and it saddens me that so many stories brush over the matter or cover it in the first chapter.

This was a great plot. It had mystery and intrigue, and the bumbling about in the forest seems pretty cannon given the number of times that Arthur and Merlin wander about in forests during the show. There are so many places you can take this story from the point you left it at. I can think of a dozen off the top of my head. I hope that someday you'll come back to this story.

swiftwings13 chapter 1 . 7/24/2011
this is only the first chapter but I feel you have perfectly captured Merlin and Arthur. It's like I'm watching an episode of the show not reading a fanfic. Great job so far and keep it up! I need something to keep me from doing my homework after all!
TheTerribleTwos chapter 5 . 7/19/2011
Well, wasn't that tragic! I think I just died and went to heaven :D touching writing and parallel universes... all in the same chapter! *shakes head in wonder* I think I may just be in love :D lol sounds rather Doctor Who-ish
TheTerribleTwos chapter 4 . 7/19/2011
Well wasn't that a horrible cliffy you left us hanging on? (Help! Throw me down a distraction!)

Yet it was wonderfully written, so I think I may forgive you- sinse I am feeling particularily sweet and amazing today that is :D not to mention, I already get to read the next chapter... oh the bliss of being behind in a story!
TheTerribleTwos chapter 2 . 7/19/2011
Brilliant! Seriously, this is really good! I love how much detail you are putting into the story, because it seems to give it a lot of depth.

"Thanks. I'll keep that in mind." He most definitely would not keep that in mind, but how else is one to shake off such sincere concern?

"You're a terrible liar."

"Yes well you're terrible at consoling people. What else is new?" Merlin replied without missing a beat.

Perfect :D I think I my take my imaginary hat off to you now *reaches for hat* errr, huh, I seem to have lost it...

Anyways keep up the good work!
TheTerribleTwos chapter 1 . 7/19/2011
Wonderful start! I really can't wait to see where this goes... so it's because your story is too great that I can't leave a longer review :D Loving the dialogue!
Imagined Artist chapter 7 . 6/19/2011
Please, please, please, please please keep going with this one! It's fantastic! Please! I love it, and it would be so much more dramatic and stuff!

Of course, I'll read a re-write too, but I think this one is still pretty epic. :)
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