Reviews for Scripted
Yuu3 chapter 1 . 12/21/2014
...sobs...You are a cruel, cruel person.
Mihaelandnate chapter 1 . 5/4/2013
Oh god, here you go, wrecking my heart.
This was an amazing read, and I'm so glad I stumbled across this, across you.
I love the fresh insight you give to Itsuki, making him seem human but not quite; tangible, but immaterial; honest in all of his lies.
It's the kind of writing I hope to one day achieve, to emulate through my own works.
In short, non-poetic terms, this was an amazing and angsty fic that has helped fuel my need for this pairing.
The only mistake I grasped was a spelling error in this sentence: "In reality, he'll be angry because I'm causing unnecessary hassle, another hurdle to jump in the long and painful race if growing up."
The if should be an of.
Thank you for writing this, and please know that it's okay to take breaks. You seem worried about disappointing us...but we just want you to be okay and happy with your work.
Xai chapter 1 . 5/26/2011
Sad and very very beautiful.

ambellina447 chapter 1 . 1/24/2011
very very pretty. I seem to also like secret-angsty-bastard-Itsuki, which is surprising to me; all the ItsuKyon stories I've read seem to be from Kyon's POV.

Thank you.
MySapphireEyes chapter 1 . 12/23/2010
Truly beautiful. I love the extended metaphor and it fits so well. I am actually speechless it is that well written and so different. Really beautiful.

:) thank you for writing this. I really loved it. So much love to you right now.
Dragonist chapter 1 . 12/21/2010
I think you made me cry. The angsty-ness... Why... Very cathartic. ;)