Reviews for The Watchtowers of Rota
Guest chapter 4 . 7/24/2018
Is this tiva crap? Sounds like it so goodbye!
Guest chapter 35 . 7/16/2017
Great story!
Guest chapter 1 . 5/17/2017
This could be amazing but the whole tony/ziva thing thats gonna end up tiva is a big nono so im not interested in this anymore
abrant554 chapter 35 . 9/4/2016
WOW...Great story. Nicely written.
amaia chapter 35 . 10/15/2015
It's October, 2015, & I just finished your story. It's one of the best I've ever read, & I may read it again. Incredibly entertaining, & the Tiva was fantastic. If only CBS would make a spinoff, using your story as the basis. I'm sad now that I don't have any more chapters, & I'm going to have to wait a while to read anything at all, because I'll constantly compare everything else to this story. Thanks for sharing your talent.
Wherethelovegoes chapter 35 . 9/26/2015
Here it is 2015 and I just found this wonderful story. I loved the setting,the dialog,and the case. This was delightful in mixing old and new. The descriptions of Rota carried me there,and made me think you must have been there. The title catches the flavor and is memorable. Tony was restored to confident competence, and oh yes, the TIVA was exceptional filled with " everyday" love- couldn't be better! I also just read your other stories...more would be such a treat.
Talktidy chapter 35 . 4/5/2015

I am blown away by this. I have read published stuff – and not just material authors have pushed out on kindle with a minimum of thought, but work backed by well known publishers – that is not the equal of this.

How can one not like a piece that is clever, nuanced and also full of humour.

You are very talented. I see you have not added anything since 2011 and hope that is because you have graduated to working on your own original fiction.

beege chapter 35 . 4/17/2014
This was so good I don't know Where to start. Great plot, great writing, wonderful portrayal of the characters. really good fanfic bridges the gap between who the characters are and who they could be without the limitations of the format they're trapped in (alternatively, the gap between who they are and who we wish they were) and that's what you've done here, brilliantly.
nando2k50 chapter 35 . 11/4/2013
One of the best NCIS stories out there...
nando2k50 chapter 17 . 11/2/2013
The kid is back... Great :-D But very weird...
nando2k50 chapter 10 . 11/2/2013
Awesome... I did read the first 10 chapters without stop...

Very well done...
Guest chapter 35 . 5/21/2013
This is quite simply the best ncis/tiva fanfiction i have ever read. and i have read alot. You need to be on the writing staff of this show or write your own book. Wonderful and insightful and true to form for the show we love so much. Kudos. Just wonderful. Great. Excellent.
kw chapter 35 . 5/19/2013
I know you completed this story in 2011, but someone posted it on tumblr tonight, so it's the 1st time I found it. It's a wonderful story, even tho' it's sad to think of T & Z being in Spain, away from the MCRT. I'll look for other fanfics you may have written. Thanks.
Maunzeli chapter 35 . 4/24/2013
Enjoyed it. Thanks.
cajunghost chapter 35 . 10/13/2012
I really liked this story. I read it striaght through.
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