Reviews for Sakura, Mono no Aware
FairoNeko chapter 30 . 3/5/2015
There's lots of researches and new facts put in, huh? Props for you for the efforts. I think this story is wonderful! Even though it's kind of sad and angsty, but that's how it is I suppose.

Thank you for everything you did for this story, cheers!
RadosianStar chapter 30 . 6/10/2014
You're really thorough with this story, although I think the story might've been more compelling if you ended it with Kouji and Kouichi. Just a thought anyway.
Asarikou-chan chapter 30 . 9/24/2011
Ooh and it ended. I will miss it but I am glad after everything,things became better for Kouichi. He really needs some relief after the hectic time he had in the hospital.

I liked the development of this story so touchy and social and yet had a good number of excited moments. I guess I will come through the story again later and reread it.I have a habit of doing this anyway.

You did a pretty good job in it Akiza-chan.

I enjoyed it and it really ached my heart to see"The remaining chapters:0"Waaaaaaaaaaaaah, but still finishing such a long, good story is a great thing so congrats.

Oh arigato ja nai. It was fun to wait and see and worry and cry from time to time too.

Good luck in your other stories too "
Asarikou-chan chapter 29 . 9/23/2011
At least he is back. As much as cute it would be to see him start like a baby,it would also be sad for him.

I like the way you reached this.I mean you gave the results of the operation in a nice way ."

It doesn't matter even if he was acting older or younger, Kouji, being the older overprotective one won't change but it seemed he doesn't like being told that hehe.

We missed you Kouichi-chan.I am sure you will be able to fill the gap quickly. Hehe but I am not sure about Oota-kun ,a company is needed.

It is strange how a simple bored idea got reach one to a whole great story.

Good job Akiza-chan
Asarikou-chan chapter 28 . 9/22/2011
Ooh,my sweet little Kouichi has woke up. Ohayo, dear.

The last chance,huh?

Be strong Kouichi a little longer sweetie.

The tasks he is making now and the whole stuff about regaining normal personality are too cute if they weren't because of the problem they were facing.

About the year,I don't remember you mentioning one actually.i don't remember spring,though, but I guess I remmber you mentioning sth similar but a year nope.
Asarikou-chan chapter 27 . 9/21/2011
Ooh...Kouichi...just a little more.

He is really fighting and hopefully he is doing like what Takuya said the previous chapter 'resting to be able to survive the operation"

Oh...He is struggling Waaaah.
Asarikou-chan chapter 26 . 9/20/2011

Detention doesn't matter hehe although I wished they beat them up to show them how stupid and ridiculous they are hehe.

Ooh,great job you too Oota-kun,you should give Takuya some !

Yep,that is why they are family and that is the reason why Kouichi is still there because they believe in him.

4 chapters to go*sniffles*
Asarikou-chan chapter 25 . 9/19/2011
Actually I don't really know what to say even after reading the chapter for the third time;not that it was difficult to understand but full of emotions. I mean that was adorable and too cute and at the same time painful.

The first scene about Kouji and his one-sided talk was too affectionate and devoted.

It seems that they didn't have a lot of time together alone lately in the story hehe.

The title was hopeful so we could only hope.

The nightmare which to be honest seemed more like a good dream in my opinion. I mean imagining Kouichi and hearing him talking was relief for Kouji*and for me.I missed him*The beginning of the nightmare was really scary that I believed that it might be true and for a full of SELFISHNESS second I just thought that if you dided Kouichi I will kill you.I mean not after Kouji's talk and plead to stay with him few moments before.

"The hand he held had twitched slightly. He could swear on his spirits it had"Awww,fighto Kouichi!.
Asarikou-chan chapter 24 . 9/18/2011
That was tragic. The decision, her sacrifice ,their parents.

It was a really good and touchy chapter that imprisoned my feelings and rereading it again with a sad song that felt so smoothly and fitting with the story.

The last event. Kouji's cry. I really cried. Oh my God,that's too much for Kouji to bear and what a perfect time to tell him what they decided!

He is fighting...Kouichi is really trying to comeback. He is tired of staying like this. Please Kouichi-kun,I know it is difficult but please try just to let them know that u won't give up that easily*wipe tears*
Wakaran a i xx chapter 23 . 9/17/2011
Hello! I'm a long-time reader but first time reviewer, which is bad Dx But I just had to write one as this story is simply amazing and doesn't have the reviews to show it!

Anyway, I just had to say I'm simply loving the new arc, and I feel so bad for Tomoko. I can't wait to see Kouji's reaction if and when they tell him. I hope Kouichi wakes up at the end of all this (

Keep up the good work, and I can't wait for the next chapter!
Asarikou-chan chapter 23 . 9/17/2011
No...They can't do that even if the chance is slim,they can 't kill him but again it is not like the hospital wants but others need those equipments and their chances maybe higher. For some reason, I feel if Kouichi could tell them,he may ask for that for others' sake.

Tomoko-san... I have no words to describe her situation now...

How his brother and friends will receive the news made things even harder.
Asarikou-chan chapter 22 . 9/16/2011
Cool. Junip's thoughts are rather interesting and honest. Haha I don't want to be in his place there with Izumi and Kouji threatening him.

The final part with Kouji was touchy.I felt like crying when Kouji talked about the reason of staying there.

Kouichi needs to rest.

Waah!Eight chapters to go. I liked this one. I will miss it.
Asarikou-chan chapter 21 . 9/12/2011
is just so cool hehe and a good brother too. It is so nice to see that he was trying to understand Tomoki and help him in his problems and at the same time respecting his personality.

Good...Tomoki is telling his will believe him for sure...not that he has other explanation to his brother's new and better personality.
Asarikou-chan chapter 20 . 9/11/2011
Girls are girls too,ne?

At least they are going along quite well compared to the boys hehe.

Yeah it is kinda strange for them to believe that Kouichi had other friend before them.I mean in the show,it was obvious that they don't have friends so they consider him as them hehe.

Aww. The cool brother and the cheerful one and a good mother. Nice family!

They seem more optimistic than the boys too two groups need a sensible person between them comment about Kouichi's cuteness was so ,well,cute .".
Asarikou-chan chapter 19 . 9/9/2011
Ooh Takuya-kun. I am glad you are trying to collect yourself and it is not wrong to lean on someone especially Kouji as we know he is leaning on you these times especially.

The wall's comment was cute.

I love the Kanbara sounded like real .

Lucky Takuya!He took a whole chapter for him hehe.

You welcome and congrats for the hits thing "
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