Reviews for Those Days of Boredom
DobbyLovesSocks chapter 1 . 11/24/2012
I liked it a lot, especially the end. Hehe, of course Fred and George would bet on that... Really well done, I love RHr. :) You wrote it well. It's hard to write accurate romance from before they were a couple, but you managed it well. Great work!
duck'pancakes chapter 1 . 6/22/2011
Niiice story! HOW CAN YOU NOT LIKE R&HR? I think there's something wrong with you :P There just so annoying and cuddly..
currents chapter 1 . 2/21/2011
Hi! This is an awesome RHr, I can't velieve you don't like Romione! I mean, HHr is okay, but RHr is like Seddie with wands! Anyways, I've been reafing alot of you're writing and you have totally made me a Molly/Lysander fan! Great fic, maybe you should try DracoLuna


BlueEyes444 chapter 1 . 2/19/2011
First, loved Sirius and Remus and Snape all popping in. I love all three so I'm glad they were in there. :D

Second, the twins really cracked me up. :p

Third, I love RHr and think you did them perfectly.

Forth, without a doubt, I'm favoriting this. :D
That Crazy Seddie Girl chapter 1 . 12/26/2010
Finally, some RHr!

I love this pairing!


Keep writing. Siriusly.

-TCSG or Grace
Romance and Musicals chapter 1 . 12/25/2010
This was adorable and I loved it! You should write a Lily/James story!
centralperks chapter 1 . 12/25/2010
Too cute, I really enjoyed this :)

I have read your profile, as I wanted to find more stories by you *blushes*, and I must say, it is one of the most interesting profiles I've ever read! There was something about characters of your life, and I'm a little confused. Are they real people? You also mentioned something about some of you being really strong Ch-istians, although I think that was a spelling mistake :). If you are Christians, I would really love feedback on my story A Thousand Tomorrows, as it would be great to hear from a Christian in that story. It's Harry Potter, but it's about when Hermione becomes a Christian.. anyway, I wont give it away.

Loved this! Thanks for writing it!
I-Go-By-Many chapter 1 . 12/25/2010
Oh. My. Rowling.

I know you!

Well, not really, of course, but I know your writing!

I've read a lot of your iCarly stories, and probably commented on quite a few of them. I just wanted to let you know that I think you're a very talented writer, and hope that you write more soon.

Peace, Love, Potter.

'Nuff Said.

Guest chapter 1 . 12/24/2010
Nice, you should write more RHr
Arianna4President chapter 1 . 12/24/2010
Ahhhh, such a shame you don't like Ron/Hermione that much! Great story, by the way! :D