Reviews for Your Guardian Angel
that girl chapter 10 . 5/25/2012
I always knew kathy was a bitch. I'm ok with selena though.
L'Archel-Hotishi chapter 27 . 3/21/2012
This story was fantastic! I love Owen so much, and I love how you portrayed him and Akari. If you ever think about writing for this couple again, I'll be sure to read! Everything about the story was simply perfect...I have no complaints.

Great job, and bravo!
LoneKonin chapter 27 . 1/8/2012
A great story overall but some less cliched moments would have made he feel ofbit better. Like putting references from our world into it made the flow of it stagger. I like how she can sing but putting he lyrics sometimes makes it stagger again. I think more chapters can be done like one o the kids run away or get hurt and akari freaks at owen cuz hebwas the one watching them or something but it was a sweet story.
LoneKonin chapter 25 . 1/8/2012
One time equals a baby? No man can only have sex twice and be okay lol and now another year without it? That's crazy poor Owen. Anyway another baby yay! I do lo e children.
LoneKonin chapter 17 . 1/8/2012
As. That's all for the first time love making moment? Ibwoukd ratherbinjoy more intamency.
LoneKonin chapter 10 . 1/8/2012
I nearly cried D: maybe later on in other stories Add a little more detail to the lain nonjust emotionally but physically a d sorry if my typing is bad I'm on my iPod an rather dislike touch screens. Anyway I really dislike many woman for many reasons shown in this chapter. A snob who likes to cause trouble a back stabbing clueless girl who can't get a hint when a man doesn't want her and woman who dont allow explanations before running off. Tis a sad and horride worl out there. Great chapter.
LoneKonin chapter 9 . 1/8/2012
Ah, Selena tue selfish no-good woman for Luke. This was a very sweet chapter but I don have a question. I am confused on the timeline of this story. Every chapter seems to end up weeks later except for when she hurt her head. Anyway. It's still. Wonderfully brilliant story.
LoneKonin chapter 8 . 1/8/2012
Oh you got Selena right luv. She does act like she's the queen of the worl. She's spoiled to. Lol. Anyway it was sweet and short but fullfilling. Next chapter.
LoneKonin chapter 7 . 1/8/2012
Nothing much to say for this review other than the comment on who Luke met. I dun particularly like Selena all that much and am not too fond of Luke and Selena pairings but hubs am merely the reader and no the writer. Owen is adorable bunt wonder if later chapters you put his more agressive and impulsive side in this story. Onto the next chapter darling. Keep up he good work.
LoneKonin chapter 6 . 1/8/2012
Oh the nintendo game referance was a brilliant idea! LoZ is my favorite game of all times then harvest moon. This chapter felt like a tiny filler episode but it was sweet. Just a few spelling errors. Nobody's perfect right? Lol

This is a very sweet story. Not much to say for this chapter review other than the connection of my boyfriend won't let me move when we take naps. He thinks I'm a stuffed fox (he likes foxs) any who darling. Great job onto the next chapter.
LoneKonin chapter 5 . 1/8/2012
So car thus story is really brilliant! I admire the love and devotion and also, the relationship between the three of the. I haven't wrote anything in a long while since my laptop crashed and I've been distracted and have no money to get it fixed but I've had an akari and Owen story planned out for a while. I hope when I update my storied you will consider reading them. My Luke story is pretty old and he writing t poorly done and I plan to rewrite them in a better format but you have inspired me to write my Owen story sooner. Let's just hope that I get use of a computer soon. I also have to say I'm not usually a fan of first person writing but I love the way that you describe everything. Owen is greatly done, luke is brilliant alog with everyhing else. This whole guardian angel thing can come true. I found mine or well, I saved him first then be saved me but still. Love like that is real and that exprience I have with it just make me understand their feelings and I feel connected. Great job. Brilliant work my dear. I will read and raids more. Tah-tab!
SunnieDoodles chapter 12 . 10/14/2011
Awww! Wonderful amazing job! Love OwenXAkari stories!
SunnieDoodles chapter 8 . 10/12/2011
SunnieDoodles chapter 6 . 10/12/2011
SunnieDoodles chapter 4 . 10/12/2011
Oh no...
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