Reviews for The Queen's Mistake
RockSuperstar chapter 1 . 8/12/2011
Very nice... I'm glad to see something on the Sisters Grimm page that has something original in it.
iamisabeljane chapter 1 . 12/29/2010
OMFG best Mirror story EVER! Like, I don't even know how to describe it, it's so amazing! I nominated you as #1 of my favorite stories of 2010 in elligoat's contest. :D You're *that* good.

You sure this is you're first fic? Could have fooled me! FAVORITE! :D

EstrangeloEdessa chapter 1 . 12/28/2010
A couple of grammar mistakes—you mixed up "you're" and "your," and "its" and "it's" a bit—but other than that, this was extremely well-written. Your descriptions are very powerful; I love the opening, when you make this dark, simple scene.

Mirror's progression through this story is really interesting. First he's a blob, a "primitive mind;" then sentient, but simple like a child; then intelligent and sarcastic; and finally the desperate-to-prove-himself character we all know. I don't think anybody has thought that deeply into Mirror's past before.

Again, I like the changing. "Possess, it's primitives mind commanded" gives this foresight to what we all know he'll become. (BTW, that "it's" should be an "its.") But then he's crying "Mommy!" so innocently, and you think, "Everything could have been avoided if Bunny had just appreciated him."

The part where she's tell him he's just a thing is very well done. Bunny isn't acting ridiculously evil or anything; she's just cold and distant.

I think you should get rid of your last line, though. Your story's already shown that not destroying Mirror would be the greatest mistake, so it doesn't really need to be stated. I think the italicized line, that flashback to the dialogue, would be a better closing line. It's a bit more powerful. On the other hand, I do like the double meaning of "the Queen's mistake"—it was a mistake not to destroy Mirror, but it was an even greater mistake to tell him he was so inferior. So I don't know, you may want to keep that line; I just think it shouldn't go right at the very end.
Curlscat chapter 1 . 12/25/2010
Very nice concept, and you pulled it off fairly well.

Just two things: 1. Watch your mechanics, you have a few misplaced commas and whatnot. and 2. If you're going to use big words make sure you use them right, otherwise you look a little silly.