Reviews for A Very Dangerous Idea
kshima91 chapter 21 . 12/30/2012
This story was absolutely fantastic. A bit hard to follow till you got to know the characters so i made some color coded charts for everyone and the capitals and who was on which team throughout the whole story... It was a fun little project for me :)
Maybe I'll PM them to you... anyway. Loved your OCs and i cant wait to see what you do with the one shots! Also i think i ship DCxItaly now... i didn't even know it was shippable till now
aloeberry chapter 21 . 6/3/2011
Honestly, I too doubted this story, but came to adore it at the end! The capitals are believable, and this situation could happen if you think about. A few mistakes here and there but nothing too major. I kinda hope you do one-shots or something else with them! I love the idea of N. Italy/DC as a's sooooo cuteeee~ (I wonder what America/Rome/Lovino would say about that! c:)
LordofAmus chapter 21 . 5/21/2011
Gotta say, I doubted this story in the beginning but I became very adicted to it. I blame you for my lack of sleep on a school night. LOL. I loved your story and DC and Italy would make a cute couple! Awesome job writing! Your awesomer then Prussa *Quicks runs to hide from angry Prussia/Gilbirds)
Guest chapter 21 . 5/10/2011
I love your story! Good job with the capitals, I like how you made them similar to their countries but gave them their own... touch, I guess. Good job!
AnimeAddict89025 chapter 21 . 5/10/2011

Well, after burning every drop of the midnight oil reading this, I gotta say that it is one helluva good story. These are some great characters that you've come up with.

I especially love the Nordics, lol. Poor Sweden. :D *pats* Don't worry buddy, you'll know eventually.

I look forward to your one-shots!

With much love and chocolate chip cookies,

Ms. Scouting chapter 21 . 5/9/2011
Too. Cute!

I cried again. (Romano! Stop being so rude! Haha)

And hohoho London and France. Goodness. /devilish smirk
Silvermoon of Forestclan chapter 21 . 5/8/2011
Thanks for updating!

There were a few errors/typos:

In the first paragraph you said 'most everything'. It probably should be 'almost everything', 'nearly everything' or most things. You also said 'not to sat that there were no repercussions'. I think that's probably 'say', ne?

I loved Poland's nation-capital time (with the pink nails)!

"Anyway so long story short I'm not allowed to about shopping at meetings anymore. Oh or ponies." should have 'talk' before 'about'.

I'm sorry if I'm correcting you heaps, but i'm in an English-class mood and your story is good (I wouldn't bother with a lot of the stories on FF).

Russia's suggestion of "Maybe we could all get kidnapped again, da?" was soo hilarious. The only reason I'm not laughing my head off is I'm on a bus. With lots of other people.

Another mistake (probably a typo): ' Italy was planning some kind of seafood pasta for a he party at his house'. The 'he'?

Turkey and Greece was funny. Actually, it was all cute and funny and light!

Yay! It's not done! Will it be in the same story? Or a different one? Can you PM us when it's up? See ya then!

Hm... How about one of the Italy's capitals bombing a very important world boss meeting... With tomatoes!

Kitty's Muse chapter 21 . 5/8/2011
Yay for the official ending! :D And I'm glad to hear that you'll be continuing it in some form. Yay for one-shot type things.

Oh, and thank YOU for reading my story. I'm a slow updater but I was glad that you came over to read it. (And it's so amusing to see the differences between the capital OCs that we come up with. Trust me, some I have planned out act quite differently from yours... ;])

Looking forward to reading more from ya!
Tara Walden chapter 21 . 5/8/2011
YAY! I'm so glad that you finished it, but I'm really sad too. I am thrilled that you are continuing with one-shots though. You have no idea how thrilled that makes me. _

You really do have a great writing style and I LOVE how you write all of the characters. I cannot say enough how much I like DC, Italy, and Russia. I didn't like Russia before because he scared me a lot, but I adore the character now. I just can't put into words how much I adore this story.

As for the "ending", I LOVED it SO much! I think DC and Italy make a great "couple" because they're so adorable. They really are.

I can't wait to read your one-shots, too. :)

KnightDweller chapter 21 . 5/8/2011
I love you for writing this awesome fic! I love the capitals so much! my favourite section was with the nordics! they are awesome! :)
Darka Moon chapter 21 . 5/8/2011
This is an awesome story. Usually I never read action, suspense, and mystery fanfiction, but this really drew me in. I admit I stopped reading after Chapter 12 because of homework and projects that had to be done. But then I started to catch up and read the rest of the chapters in 2 hours. This was a great read!
SisterFriend chapter 21 . 5/8/2011
Oh gosh... My sides... *laughing hysterically*

This is just wonderful... I mean, Poland and Warsaw makes me smile,

And I almost peed myself with Paris, France, London, and Britain... (Sorry, was that too much information? XD)

The Nordics )... I love the Nordics...

And then Canada and Ottawa just bring me joy (I just can't explain the soft spot for them...)

Finally, of course you gotta love DC and America. D

I can't wait for the one-shots! Lovely work as always!

Bhel-Elryss chapter 21 . 5/8/2011
Aw! I'm so glad that everything turned out good, with everyone acting about as normal as they can. Also, prepare to be stalked~...and I mean that in the least creepy way possible XD.
Silvermoon of Forestclan chapter 20 . 5/2/2011
Thanks for updating! Aww... Italy and his pinky promise was so cute. actually, it was all sweet and cute!

SisterFriend chapter 20 . 5/1/2011
Awwww~ It just makes me all happy and warm on the inside...

I was going to let Chey review this, since the last time I reviewed before she could she got 'angry', but at the moment she is too ashamed to talk to you because she's been in such a drawing rut... She loved it too though!

So, both of us read this like... the DAY you posted it? Sorry to delay the review!

I love London and France... And everyone and... *gushes*

I just love this story, and I'm sad to see it finish, but I can't wait for the epilogue )Fabulous job as always!

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