Reviews for Put Out My Eyes
Trading.My.Yesterdays chapter 1 . 10/27/2013
...Beautiful. There's really nothing else to say.
17BlackRoses chapter 1 . 10/25/2013
This is one of the most beautiful fanfics I've ever read. It's written so intricately and flowy that...I can't even put a word to it. I found myself sobbing practically the whole way through it which, I believe, is the most amazing talents a writer could ever pull off. You nailed it so well. I could only wish to write something as gorgeous as this.
I've never really gave much thought into Kurogane and Fai being elderly often, so to read a story that brought that subject to light and in such an amazing way was truly something special. I can't even give you enough compliments for this work of art (as cheesy as that sounds). Ever since I've supported KuroFai, I've been a strong supporter and invested heavily in them, but reading this gave me a whole new respect and love for their couple and their relationship. It really brought a whole new light into my eyes. I'm really sorry for all of the personal story parts I'm putting in this, but it was just so strong that I can't help it. Thank you so much for writing this and putting it out for all of us to read. Your story has forever marked a place in my memory forever. Thank you )
Nathalaia chapter 1 . 5/9/2013
Had I not refused the tears access, I would have been a weeping mess by now, I assure you.

This was a very beautiful piece, really. Heartbreakingly beautiful and oh so very sad.

I have not many words to say, though, so I'll end the review with this: Stunning work.

sapphireswimming chapter 1 . 11/5/2012
This is so beautiful. Oh my word. It makes me want to cry. You wrote everything so well here. It's so emotional and evocative and let me just go sob in a corner nowwwwwwww.
Seraphic Dragon chapter 1 . 3/1/2012
Dang it, I hate and love crying over a story at the same time. It gives this sort of liberating feeling, but it also brings despair.

When it comes to these stories from Clamp, I always seem to hope that in the end, there's some sort of reincarnation, because they're destined for each other, so they will always meet.

By the way, I waited until after reading everything to finally wipe my nose. Nasty, I know. ;)
UncleKasu chapter 1 . 12/29/2011
Beautiful and heartbreaking. Especially to anyone who has ever lost a loved one.
AeroTundra chapter 1 . 11/9/2011

I don't usually read character death stories know...they're sad and stuff...TTTT ...but this was so good and so sad I wanna read it again and again...

I loves this so much! Waahh!
Thilw chapter 1 . 7/28/2011
Beautifully written. Really enjoyed reading it even though it made tears come to my eyes. Thanks for posting it!
Irene Gerke chapter 1 . 6/20/2011
I walked away from my computer more than once while reading, not because of legitimate distractions or that it was not compelling. Rather it was that the story was so well written I had to pause long enough for my eyes to stop watering and my throat to relax so I could breathe. As cliched as the words may sound for the number of times they are repeated in comments, this was beautiful. Their love and life clearly was shown causing me to smile even as I cried for Kurogane's loss, which I guess is why I found this to be so compelling. Though this may sound strange after saying how it cried while reading the story was a joy to read and I look forward to sharing it with UMV.
Zelinxia chapter 1 . 5/4/2011
First off, what a lovely poem to serve as an epigraph. It is very fitting.

The line that hit me the most was Fai's dying words, "Kuro-pon, if you ever loved me, then let me go." Such a simple, yet very agonizing wish that Kurogane has to grant and see his beloved die that evening.

It was so sad to see Kurogane devastated. Just as Faren wrote, he's the person to do whatever it takes to protect those he loves and fights the things even when it's nearly impossible for him to change the circumstances. Yet he was so helpless when Fai was dying and it hurt him. Seeing him losing himself in that particular battle was painful since it's so similar when he was slaying demons and anyone in his path the night he lost his parents. It just goes to show (and much like Tomoyo-hime's ever needed words of wisdoms) that the death of the person he loves can have a grave effect on him. That even as a hardened warrior who must deal with the constant warring time in Nihon, only the death of his precious people really hits home for him.

And then when he keeps seeing and hearing and feeling Fai in his presence...gosh, on one hand it must be some comfort yet on the other it's still tragic. Not to mention how he died trying to communicate to Fai in the open blue sky in the winter (same season Fai died)

One last thing that was on my mind was how he knew Fai was silently wishing that he stayed home more often from fighting. I'm darn impressed he fought until his eighties (is that normal around his time for elder warriors to still fight?), yet it makes me wonder if Kurogane does have regrets of not staying home with Fai as they grew into their elder ages.
Disella chapter 1 . 4/25/2011
*sniffels* you made me cry! give me a tissue! but I liked it
FarenMaddox chapter 1 . 2/26/2011
Um . . . how did it take me until NOW to realize you had a story on this site? I feel like I should come to where you are and apologize in person, because this is not apology enough . . .

Warning: Long review coming

First of all, the poem. So glad you chose to use the poem to begin your piece with. Obviously this is where you got the title, but I can tell how much you love the piece, and I think having your readers see all of that really sets the tone for your work.

There is such a sense of inevitability, throughout the whole story. It's realistic, I know, because death can't be stopped, but the slow and graceful way you went about proving it was breath-taking and heart-wrenching. The actual scene of Fai's death . . . GAH! I can't even begin to explain all the little ways that twisted my soul into knots.

Kurogane's powerlessness against Fai's fading, and his own, is one of the most awful things I've ever contemplated. He is only ever known in canon as incredibly strong, in mind and body. The way he loses himself in this story is almost frightening, and it definitely hurts. You couldn't have made it clearer than losing Fai meant losing everything. That he went on for so long without him was the greatest tragedy I could imagine.

Your poetic images were very beautiful, as well. Certain of your descriptions really carried the story, for me. Things like the memory of Fai on the veranda, with the "fireflies resting on the lacquered wood." Eyes that were "blue and golden like the cloudless sky." And of course that last heartbreaking moment, with "hoarfrost upon his lips and lids" and Tomoyo's tear falling onto his cheek.

Overall, this is one of the most sad and beautiful things I've ever read. I'm crying, dammit. I'm actually crying.
Phoebe Yuu chapter 1 . 1/22/2011
you makes me cry! hard! so mean!

and here I thought this fandom has become less attractive. I found this beautiful story and I gain my belief that great authors haven't completely gone from this fandom.

in my mind the whole thing of Fai died before Kurogane is my headcanon. it feels better that way since Kurogane seems like he values his life more than Fai. if Kurogane died first Fai must be took a worst way of coping. but Kurogane's cope was depresing yet beautiful. shows how much he loves Fai.
Syaoran's Sakura chapter 1 . 1/5/2011
So sad! I can't imagine them both old, but I can imagine the pain Kurogane felt! Brilliant!
Mashiara91 chapter 1 . 1/3/2011
I love you, but i hate you at the same time. this is incredibly well written (could use some beta-ing but that's just typos, who cares). but really, that was so good, all the sections were well thought out and it made perfect sense. so realistic, it actually hurt. but i think that's what i love about it, the deep quality to the misery you represented, the authenticity that it gave to the characters and a death no one can escape. the description was wonderful and flowed as part of their thoughts and the overall image was beautiful, heartbreaking, but beautiful. great job...but now i have to read something fun before i go nuts :S
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