Reviews for ouroboros
croquant chapter 1 . 7/18/2011
This was so well done! Kida was one of the most important aspects of Mikado's life, and I think that the way you portrayed his unwillingness to move on was very IC. (Though I hope that won't happen in the next season.) I love the implications of the ending.
MillyAshfordFan chapter 1 . 1/2/2011
Omigod! I loved this! It was so well-written and eloquent and bittersweet. It was so poignant that it even made me a little sad. :( Poor Kida.

This also had some great lines.

A battalion of the imperceptible, of which he was the most imperceptible of all. ~~ This one was my favorite.

I also liked the ending with Izaya. So creepy and foreboding.

Anyway, I hope you write more Durarara fics! :D