Reviews for Conspiracy of Silence: Sixth Sense
Resident Evil Lionhart chapter 6 . 10/25/2012
HA! I always thought it was Vitae, because really! Who would ever think it was a Gryffindor? Plus, she was just nasty! And poor Malachite, I hope nothing happens to him! Nothing bad, anyway. I've always liked him, even if he happens to be a bit too naive for a Slytherin!
Apollo Vengea chapter 6 . 11/13/2010
I've read your Curse of Durand fan fic and the Conspiracy of Silence series again and again and again. Honestly, you are THE BEST fan fiction writer I've ever read! Please continue to churn up more great stories for me and all other admirers of yours!
134213 Wu chapter 4 . 1/27/2010
Okay, wow. This fic is now my favorite-favorite-favorite one. I think that this is an AWESOME look at Snape's head. And also, these lines just kill me:

""You don't think I'm likely to betray you?" he asked, eyebrows raised.

"I think if you were going to betray me, you'd totally tell me you were doing it and really not care what I thought."

"Pretty much," Sev agreed amiably."

That just cracks me up. Thanks for writing this, like, back in '02. I personally think that it's still applicable to the post-DH Snape. So you've really nailed Snape's personality. Great job, and again, I really love this!
futagoakuma-tenshi01 chapter 6 . 10/20/2004
Sev...I have to say...I'm a bit worried too...
CuriousDreamWeaver chapter 6 . 12/26/2003
You're quite right, Voldemort is very likeable in this fic! I just love suave bad guys, they're the best type! LOL And another year ends for Severus, another plot unearthed and another one to begin soon enough! Very interesting.
Elysia1 chapter 6 . 5/21/2003
Whoo hoo!
kagemusha chapter 6 . 2/15/2003
Interesting twist. Like the part about the Naga, and Sev always seems , exactly like i pictured I had expected more real malice but still very very good writing.
Once in a blue moon chapter 6 . 12/21/2002
Ah! I love lily's and sev's arguments! They're very funny! And hey, I was right about the secret death eater - coolies! This is perfectly planned *claps* Keep up the good work!
GreenEyes7 chapter 6 . 10/7/2002
Oops, I just realized that Iforgot to review this section. Just one thing to say, great as always, and now back to chapter 2 of the next part.
dontgiveahoot chapter 6 . 5/2/2002
Yay! I was right - one of my top suspects turned out to be the guilty party! And having the Head of Slytherin House be the hero of the day was really cool, though as Sev observed, it did somewhat "mess up his plans". I can't wait to read 7th year.
Gnomish Librarian chapter 6 . 4/15/2002
As allways a treat! I am so glad that Malachite was not the villian and even more pleased to see Vitae the big bad. As for cheating with Malachite not being entirely human, I do not believe it is cheating anymore than what Rowling herself did in the second book. Good job. I wish I could send you a nice little smart house elf to do your school work so you could write all the time as a reward.
nefret24 chapter 6 . 4/10/2002
Wow. That was fantastic. First of all, let me just say that you are a stupendous writer- and this series is waaaay too cool. I'm not generally a Harry Potter fic indulger- and I certainly was never a Snape fan but I have crossed over. Sev is definitely my fav now and forever, so long as you keep this series up! It is such a great unique look at the misunderstood Slytherin- and he does have so much more depth than Harry- and his interaction with Lily is priceless! (the forty-five year old comment had me lmao!) Guess this is kinda long but you deserve it- after such hard work! Write the next one soooooooon!
WingedWolf chapter 6 . 4/9/2002
Best decpiction of Snape EVER. You got him perfectly. I'm killing myself waiting for number 7. PLEASE get it here!
mrs.snape i wish chapter 6 . 4/9/2002

I read your whole series in one go *god, my house is a mess, hmmmm, your fault, would you come and clean up?*

Then again, noooooooooo, that would take time away from your writing, noooo, no, nooooo! stay wheere you are and keep writing, PLEEEEEEEASE!

Ilooooooooooooocw it, can't wait for the next installment. Bravo.
Basement Cat89 chapter 6 . 3/30/2002
Wonderful, as usual. This one is really one of the best in the series. I like how you portrayed Severus. Keep up the good work!
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